Carers allowance means test calculation.


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Hi. I am going to be taking early retirement from the Civil Service in March with the aim of looking after my mother who has Parkinson's.

I was looking at the eligibility criteria for getting the carers allowance but I think I will not be getting it.

Myself and my partner are seperatly assessed for tax purposes. When I retire I will get a weekly pre 95 CS pension of 311 euro a week. My partner is continuing to work and receives 1000 euro a week gross

Combined income would be 1311. As far as I understand it (since 1st January 2024) the disregard amount for a means test for this allowance is 900 for a couple and 450 for a single person. If assessed jointly that gives a means test weeklr income of 411 euro a week. Is there any deductions made after this or is it (my fear) that as this 411 euro is above the carers allowance amount I would not be entitled to any allowance?


Unless you are married your partner's income would be a factor if I'm not mistaken.

The following deductions are allowable


Before retiring, have you checked out your eligibility for Carer's Benefit?

"Carer's Benefit is paid to people who leave work or reduce their hours to care for a person in need of full-time care. You can get Carer's Benefit for 2 years (104 weeks) for each person that you are caring for."

Unfortunately I wouldn't be eligible for that. I'm a pre 95 civil servant. I'm taking cost neutral early retirement.

EDIT. Just had a read of the requirements for eligibility of carers benefit and it seems that if you can pay class B PRSI you can be eligible. I will get in touch with Social Welfare tomorrow. Thanks
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Hi Gary,

It seems unlikely, to me, that pre 95 PS workers wouldn't be entitled to Carer's Benefit, so I hope that works out for you.

If not, would you be able to preserve your retirement benefit and take it at age 60?
You would increase your pension, when you reach the relevant age. In the interim you would part qualify for the Carers allowance of 248 euros per week.
If you have some savings to supplement income, it might be worth exploring.
Best of luck.
Morning everybody. Just an up on my earlier query. I have now taken early retirement and have been awarded carers benefit to look after my mum.

I have been given the opportunity for some part time work (12 hours a week) in a job that would be perfect for me and would be for the hours outside caring for my mum.

The rules state you can work up to 18.5 hours a week and earn up to 350 euro a week after tax and still receive the carers benefit.

I just need to check with social protection if the fact I receive my civil service pension will preclude me from taking the part time job as the money from both would be over 350 euro a week.

The criteria seems to be around income from work so I think I will be ok to take the part time job. I need to be sure though.

Thanks for all the advice.
My understanding is that your pension income is considered income in the same way as income from work. Did you get confirmation of this from social welfare as I am interested in the response?