Carers Allowance and BSCFA


Registered User
Hi all,

I have been in receipt of Carers Allowance due to my son having a disability. It was last reviewed in May 2017 and our medical cards were reviewed and continued in December 2017.

I got a letter a couple of weeks ago stating that I would receive Back to School payment of €625. I had not applied but I presume they have determined that I would be eligible.

I have 4 children aged 15, 14, 13 and 10 so it appears that I did not get a payment for one of the older ones, presumably the 14 year old who has the disability. I get increase for a qualified child for 3 of them in my weekly CA. I did try to ring the letter writers to clarify whether this was correct but the number on the letter was not in use.

Would anyone know whether there should be a payment for the child who is the subject of the CA (for want of a better phrase)?

Many thanks.
Hello.. I read the guidelines on this and it doesn’t seem to say anything to say you shouldn’t get it for all your children.. perhaps it’s an administrative error.. did you try this number or popping in to local intro office ?
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your reply.
I found an email address today and sent them an email with my circumstances laid out so I will update when I get a response.
I did see on another message board that a lot of people were getting letters with incorrect number or ages of children, etc and then getting correction letters but I actually got paid the amount for the 3 "other" children so we'll see...
Thanks again.