Caravan living during self build?


Registered User
I was wondering has anyone any experience of living on site in a caravan/mobile home during a self-build project?
At the moment I am considering it - the plan would be to move on site once the basic stucture is up....

My main questions are:
1. Would you recommend it....
2. Would it actually save money.... (caravan/mobile home has to be purchased....)
3. Caravan or mobile home?
4. How difficult is it to set it up - connection to electric, water, waste.....
Caravan might be ok for one person but a mobile home would be the minimum for a family, water, electrics are grand, waste water just needs to go to a soakaway - fill a hole in the ground with hardcore / gravel. Sewage will depend on the site .. if its a septic tank you could consider doing that as one of the first jobs - just make sure it's located out of the way of any heavy machinery you may require.

Another thing to consider is renting site office / accomodation blocks. I'd prefer these to a mobile home. Have a look here for an idea:

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1) Yes not a bad idea ,in the middle of self build at the moment and living in mobile home on site for the last 4 years (planning issues!!!!10 applications Thought I would have to pile drive the post holding the applications (haHa ),.Alot more people are going with building garage first to good spec and living in it first .
I put in septic tank and electricity and retrofitted raditors and an oil boiler into mobile makes it snug during winter . i also plumbed washing machine and dryer into other bedroom .
There is just me living there but security for a couple or a family may be an issue .It did save me a lot on rent and it also is a form of security during the build .
Best of luck EXPECT the Unexpected
My brother in law did this with his wife and three kids over a winter and his words were never again.
What you save financially you loose in terms of a family life. It is cramped, stressful and very difficult if you have children.
There is no way I would do it.
My main questions are:
1. Would you recommend it....Yes.
2. Would it actually save money.... (caravan/mobile home has to be purchased....) 3200 for 3 bed mobile. 25 euro per gas bottle - average used up in 6 days. used for shower, heating and cooking.
3. Caravan or mobile home? mobile home - bigger and more comfortable
4. How difficult is it to set it up - connection to electric, water, waste.....[/quote] easy if you have a neighbour to hook up to, more difficult if you have no neighbour etc

Living in a mobile home with my wife, its grand. We have a 3 bedroom mobile home with a small dining table for 4 people, and plently of couch space. Can sit 10 people - we had a party.

As i said 3 bedroom. I ripped out one and converted it into a walk-in wardrobe with assembly wardrobes from argos.

The other bedroom i ripped out and converted it into a dryer area for clothes and its an office as well.

Biggest bedroom was for sleeping.

Small wooden shed out back for washing machine and freezer. All my tools etc.

The mobile is beside my sister-in-law house, so i hooked up with electricity with them, used their septic tank for waste water from taps, washing machine and toilet.

Its damn cold some mornings over the winter. In the summer its perfect. Yes it is cramped etc. but we make the most of it and get on with it.

Tip. Try and get a door to block off the living area of the mobile from the rest of the mobile, drafts can be fierce. single pane glass etc - also vents. Install a gas alarm and 2 smoke alarms for your safety. The mobile is like a matchbox if it went on fire.

Don't forget to make sure you have a carbon monoxide checker - just to be safe.