Car tax - is it necessary to back date it?

I'm a man in my 40's and the most reckless drivers I see are men in their 40's in SUV's (usually BMW's and Audi's). You know, they guys who think they are allowed to use the bus lane and traffic lights are just advisory?
Newer drivers took a much more comprehensive driving test than me and had to take mandatory lessons. My father didn't have to take lessons or a test at all. Road deaths are much lower than they were 30 years ago even though car ownership rates are much higher. I can only conclude that part of the reason for that is young drivers nowadays are better at driving than my generation was at their age.
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I can only conclude that part of the reason for that is young drivers nowadays are better at driving than my generation was at their age.
Too much traffic now, no space to do some of the less sensible manoeuvres I did as a kid
Mine too - got an "amnesty" license in the 70s.
And his job required him to drive.
My uncle picked up 3 licences, one for himself and one each for his two brothers. My father then bought a car and had to have his older brother bring it home as he didn't know how to drive. That was in the 60's.
Wait until 1st November to have it transferred to you name. You will only be liable for tax from then onwards.

Insurance companies are only wary of older cars when there's no history of the insured person on their files. Family history and car obtained from family member will mean no issue on insurance.

I would check with a mechanic if its got a bit of life left and repairs to get it to a good roadworthy standard (not just to nct level) are financially viable.

Also check the tax rate - 2007 & older are taxed on the older system.