Car free day my This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language!!!

What's wrong with it?

What's wrong with fresh sweat? I don't think it smells for a few days.

And piggy, you will be cycling downhill most of the way. So you can have a shower when you get home.

I think we have all become a bit too precious.
Re: What's wrong with it?

Hi Summer - Thanks for the clarification. I was responding to the first point in your original post when you were bemoaning the lack of 5-day tickets.

Actually, the [broken link removed] would cost €83 for 30 days or approx €4.25 per working day - looks like pretty good value to me! I take you'll be getting out of the car once the Tallaght line opens up?
I live in rural Ireland and the traffic was worse than ever in my local town (population 5,500). It didn't effect me though as I cycle to school with my 7 year old daughter every day. We sail past the same people stuck in the same traffic jams - she is the only one in the entire school who cycles so it is a bit of a novelty. If the weather is extremely bad I will take the car but this has only happened about three times in 6 months;the irony is that if I do take the car I have to leave 10 minutes earlier! My son who is older also cycles and is also the only one in the entire school who does so. He has to hide his bike due to other pupils' propensity to vandalise this new found contraption. There is a suffocating (in more ways than one) car culture in this country and you only cycle if you are poor, mad or both. People will only stop mindlessly using their cars if they are hit in their most precious part....the pocket. Generally, they have no regard for the environment and are have a proposterous approach to exercise i.e. pay a cleaner to do the housework while they drive to the gym.

The way I see it is that we are all in this together and nobody has a right to jeopardise the future generations' well-being through their callous disregard for the environment. The government needs to introduce measures to make people really think before taking the car and people need to wake up to the environmental consequences of their actions.

This is terrible.

Kids shouldn't have to be driven to school. The fact that geegee's children are an exception is really sad. Children getting little or no exercise. Maybe the average life expectancy of Irish people has seen it's peak, and will drop off in the next few years.

I went 22 years without the need of a car. Then I moved to Dublin.
The way I see it is that we are all in this together and nobody has a right to jeopardise the future generations' well-being through their callous disregard for the environment. The government needs to introduce measures to make people really think before taking the car and people need to wake up to the environmental consequences of their actions.

Hi geegee,

I agree with your concerns for our future environmental well being. I heard an interesting argument the other day that said that people are a lot less willing to fork out for public transport (as well) if they have a car, after paying so much for tax and insurance. Hiking up petrol, tax etc...might have the opposite to the desired effect. It would also be of detriment to those people who have absolutely no choice but to drive.
Give us decent public transport first and then we'll all leave the car at home.
Combination tickets

"Actually, the combined Luas/bus ticket for your journey would cost €83 for 30 days or approx €4.25 per working day - looks like pretty good value to me! I take you'll be getting out of the car once the Tallaght line opens up? "

Rainyday, I was getting excited there for a moment. The bus + Luas comination applies only to Dublin Bus. Bus Eireann and rail transport have not been included. It defies logic that the new line connects the rail and bus stations with no combination tickets. Is it incompetence or greed on the part of the RPA, tel no: 1800676464 (who only have an answering machine). I won't be getting out of the car yet!
Re: Combination tickets

It defies logic that the new line connects the rail and bus stations with no combination tickets. Is it incompetence or greed on the part of the RPA
Oh come on - that's a bit of an over-reaction. Multi-agency ticketing is obviously a fairly complex thing to implement. It is work in progress.

While the combination tickets would be a nice convenience, I really don't see that it would a blocking issue for someone who is genuinly prepared to leave the car at home. So you have to buy your weekly/monthly LUAS ticket at the station - so what?
Combination tickets

"While the combination tickets would be a nice convenience, I really don't see that it would a blocking issue for someone who is genuinly prepared to leave the car at home. So you have to buy your weekly/monthly LUAS ticket at the station - so what? "

Most monthly and annual tickets are bought through the employee/employer tax saving options. If it is not available it can not be used. I know systems can be complex but if it has been implemented for Dublin Bus why not for the rest of the country. The Luas has been planned for years so why the delay? Maybe privatisation is the answer!!!
Phwoooar! You go, Summer.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->Obvious to even the blinkered optimists on this board, the RPA kept the ticketing separate from CIE's for the purpose of control. Some major domos 'n da howz are building an empire by stovepiping the revenue stream.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->The paucity of cycleways in Ireland is defeating to all but the most ardent cyclist. After living in , , and , I still cycle daily, but what with the feckless motorists hugging the shoulder and the juggernauts and ancient diesel autos belching fumes at me, it is a challenge.<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->piggy, I will forego the public transport argument on the basis of Ireland (Dublin) not being annihilated in WWII. I remember some years ago a conversation with a German friend contrasting the broad streets and wide footpaths in Berlin to Dublin's. I admonished him not to, but he did mention the war. Carve off a 2m piece of all roads for proper foot- and cyclepaths and hang the motorists. I have no sympathy for them.
Most monthly and annual tickets are bought through the employee/employer tax saving options. If it is not available it can not be used.
It is [broken link removed].
Maybe privatisation is the answer!!!
Maybe or maybe not. I haven't seen any overwhelming evidence that privatised transportation markets give the consumer a better deal.
Hi GeeGee

It's great to see someone bucking the trend!

I cycle to school with my 7 year old

Do you know what the National Safety Council thinks of that? They have recommended that no child under the age of 12 should be allowed to cycle in traffic? Apparently it upsets their sponsors, the car industry.

I cycled to work for 7 years, 9 miles each way across the city, but now I need my car for work. There is no alternative for a lot of people and no matter now good the public transport system gets many people will still need their car in order to do their job.
There are many people in this situation and all that will be achieved by imposing more taxes and restrictions on them will be to take more money out of their pockets and make their lives harder.
Did anyone mention the Irish distaste for high density housing? Could it relieve congestion?<!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><!--EZCODE BR END-->The hypocracy which is Ireland (its only a wee blackspot)
Mini-zag has just started going to school and he cycles every day (so far). Takes about 20 minutes (down a gentle hill) or about 10 minutes if I am by myself.

It really is amazing to hear the reaction of other parents. It seems we are *amazing*. In fairness, there are a few other parents who cycle (with) their kids to school so we aren't the only ones, but I honestly think most of the other parents would be more concerned about working up a bit of a sweat than about polluting the atmosphere, sitting in rush hour traffic and finding parking 5 minutes from the school.

I can't wait to hear what the reaction is when mini-zag cycles to school in the rain. I think the others will be quite shocked that he is allowed out in the rain (under his waterproofs).

Hi Brendan,

Yes, I do know what the National Safety Council guidelines are and I took issue with them when they were announced earlier on this year. Their response was to send me a copy of their cycling safety booklet! I was hoping that my daughter cycling might have a knock-on effect and others would start but not one has ditched the car. We get plenty of approving looks and comments but seeing that the school run seems to be a bit of a status/fashion show, you can't exactly get an 04 plate on your bike and the designer labels might get caught in the chain.


I seem to remember reading where parents organized a school cycle run to school? One parent at the front, a few kids on their bikes, and one parent at the back. It would make a great visual impact if you could organize it.


I think the others will be quite shocked that he is allowed out in the rain (under his waterproofs).

Are kids seriously that soft these days? When I were a lad, I used to crawl to school on me 'ands and knees, though ice and glass, carrying two tonnes of coal.

Can't believe that parents are worried about rain. Human skin can cope with rain, and we shiver to combat cold. I sometimes enjoyed going out and running around in the rain when I was a wee lad.
the country has gone soft

>I seem to remember reading where parents organized a school cycle run to school? One parent at the front, a few kids on their bikes, and one parent at the back. It would make a great visual impact if you could organize it.<

It was in south dublin and was called a school train. they stopped after 3 days because the rain made their makeup run onto their designer clothes
Combination tickets

"Combined Bus + Luas monthly and Annual tickets are available from Dublin Bus only – Head Office, 59 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 –"

Rainyday, The combined tickets only apply to Dublin Bus, not to Bus Eireann, Dart or Surburban Rail.