Motor Car accident, no hear from insurer of responsible party


Registered User
Hi guys,

Was unfortunate to have a car accident over the weekend.
Have stopped before the stop sign and the guy just crashed into me from behind. Garda has registered an accident and the responsible party for crash is pretty obvious. Guy had admitted it as well that it was his fault.
Crash was pretty bad, however was luckily noone was injured.

I have tried to contact his insurance company few times and received couple responses that they will contact me regarding this matter soon.
As a result I have to use public transport to get to work etc which I find pretty unfair.

I could not find any information if I there anyway I can speed up and bring their attention to my case? Is there any guidelines or terms under which insurance companies should act in such cases?
Why are your insurers not looking after this claim and doing all the chasing, that's what you pay them for? Have you informed them of the accident? You are obliged to and have seven days IIRC to do so.
After contacting mine they said it is nothing they can do about unless responsible party and/or his inusurance co are refusing to recover my car, which is not happening.
They also said they can also recover my car but it will affect my no claim bonus etc...
No need to go near your own company. If the incident happened as you've said, then the other driver is 100% at fault. His/her company sound like they are dragging their feet. Phone them once more & tell them you want an assessor apointed to view your vehicle & that your are renting a car until the claim is sorted. If they do not respond quickly, go to a decent solicitor who will have no problem handling the claim for you and claiming for at least 2 weeks rental car + loss of earnings.
Thanks for advices. Received a phone call from his insurer. Maybe reading the forums?
Anyway, they gonna write off my car, because of the year - 1996.
I mean obviously this car does not cost much if you look on market, but it was in perfect driven condition. I have changed many parts recently and was looking after it very well.
And if they gonna throw me just couple hundreds for it, i am obviously ripped off.
Any better options I have?
It's very difficult to get more than book value for a car that is written off. If you can prove that you were keeping it is particularly good condition, you might be able to get a higher valuation. If you have service records or proof of the work done on the car, that would help.
Thanks for advices will try to get some records from my mechanic suppose.
Can you request they replace the car with a simlar one when you are the injured party?
The only option they offered is to write it off and issue the cheque.

One more thing: Any idea should I remove CD player or it will give higher value ?
Ok thanks everyone again.
And the really last one.. Could not find the answer. US and UK forums give some different info.
How long for I am eligible for replacement car as long as mine car is written off.

What if my car is a write off?
In a non-fault accident, if you can prove the need for a replacement vehicle similar to your own, you can hire a like for like replacement. The cost of that hire, for a period up to seven days after the write off cheque is received, is recoverable from the at fault party or their Insurance Company.

Any idea if this correct?
You could take the money and keep the scrap

no you can't - if the insurance company pay out - they own the car not you. You can offer to buy it back from them but you cannot assume ownership.
no you can't - if the insurance company pay out - they own the car not you. You can offer to buy it back from them but you cannot assume ownership.

Should a payment be made out - you always have the right of the previous accident valuation less the salvage.