Can't switch till November..


Registered User
Currently on a 23 year mortgage with BoI fixed at 2.7% for one year. Mortgage was only drawn in October last year.

Mortgage of €222k v value of €400k.

I have in the last week started a new job and will be on probation till mid November.

Given that no new bank will take me on until my probation finishes, should I try and break out of my one year fix with BOI but stay with them for 5 years at the same 2.7% rate (green rate)?

I could wait till year end and switch then but that 2.7% available now with BOI might seem reasonably competitive at that stage.

My hope had been that the fixed rates of in or around 2% with other lenders would have been available when my 1 year fix finished but that seems unlikely now?

Went with BOI for the cash bank offer. Due another 1% after 5 years for what it's worth.

Would welcome thoughts, I appreciate no one has a crystal ball!
Might be worth posting in the thread using the template provided...