Cannot read NIB 16 one time password


Registered User

I am in the process of applying to register for NIB online banking.
However I cannot read the 16 digit one -time password.

I had 6 goes at it (hmmmm) and when I ring the help desk they say that the company that processes the password has assured them that the quality of the print will improve - however it never does. So they keep sending me out these passwords that I can't read !!!

I have a visual defect which requires me to ware tinted glass but when I asked the hubby even he failed ( although he had only 1 attempt - I had 5)

Has anyone else had this issue ???

The help desk says there is nothing else they can do except send me on a new password. - They said there is no one in NIB that I can take my complaint further about the quality of the print !!!

Am I to accept the fact that this is the first time that my visual impairment has got the better of me and give the hubby the next 6 goes ????