Can you get all meds free with LTI book - even meds not related to LTI book

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Friend at work says that his mother has long term illness book(LTI) for thoroid related problem

He said that in additional to getting her thoroid related medication free on the LTI scheme she also get ALL her OTHER meds free too that are non thoroid related

Surely this cant be right.

Reason i ask is that my sis has LTI book for Diabetes and i dont she she gets non diabetes related medication free - so checking if she is entited to other medication, non diabetes related, free too on the LTI and if so how does she go about claiming for or getting that

Here's the link to the HSE section on Long Term Illness Scheme.

[broken link removed]

It states in the first paragraph that the only medications which are provided free are those directly related to treatment of the illness.
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