Can vesting period start before you make any contributions?


Frequent Poser
From another thread:

Can anyone clarify what is meant by "pensionable service"? Is there a Finance Bill or other legislation that describes it?

Does the two year vesting count-down start from the point you become a member of a scheme? Can you be a member of scheme for vesting purposes, without making any contributions?

Suppose you opt NOT to join the pension scheme, but the company (without your knowledge) ask the pension provider to add you anyway, so that you 'benefit' from death-in-service benefit. Surely you'd have to sign something to join the scheme in this way? If you are in this situation and never made any contributions, but are considering making them now -- when would the vesting count-down start?
Pensionable service is defined by the scheme itself (not legislation) - it may be date of joining company or date of joining scheme (usually one or other) would usually not include service as a 'Life Insurance Only' Member as alluded to in your post.