Can RA (rent allowance) be used towards the rent of parent's second house?


Registered User
Quick question.... Can rent allowance be used towards the rent of someone renting a second home their parents own, i.e. not the parents primary residence?

Many thanks for any response,
Check out the Citizens Information website where it discusses rent-supplement; if memory serves, I think its not allowed.
Thanks a lot pretty sure its not allowed under rent-a-room scheme was wondering if not allowed if its a rental property too because dont know if thats a different thing technically?
From memory if the house in question is a house that has a history of being rented out a relative receiving rent allowance can use their rent allowance to pay rent. Everything needs to be done correctly incl. lease/PRTB etc
As Dermot said, there must have been a history of renting the property to other tenants before a son/daughter of the owner(s) can apply for rent supplement for that property.

The prospective tenant must also meet the other requirements for Rent Supplement - check out and search for Rent Supplement for details.