Can property deeds be computerised to save storing paper documents?


Registered User
Can I get paper deeds converted into a computerised file so that I can dispose of the paper documents?
Will the registry of deeds do this? I read someplace they are computerising everything
No. To every part of that.

The only property that would need no deeds/planning papers would be a property registered in the Property Registration Authority built pre-1963 with no deaths on title. You can get a copy folio from the PRA.

If you have anything other than such a property, then you need paper evidence of title.
If you do not have paper evidence, there is a possibility that you may have pledged the title deeds as security.

thanks for that, I'll just have to stick with the document storage option!
In time with the extension of compulsory registration all titles will be registered in the PRA - but until then don't shred any original documents of title.

In any case as MF1 mentions supporting documents, declarations and certificates will be in paper form for years yet.