Can I use 1 adult leap card to pay for a number of people( including children) on the bus


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Myself and family members need to take bus journeys in Dublin tomorrow. 3 adults and 4 children. To save messing about with change, can I just purchase 1 adult leap card, load it up and pay for everyone off the one card per journey. Hard to believe I can't just tap my debit card on the bus!
No, the card doesn't allow multiple validations in a short space of time
You can on the bus, assuming you have the money in the purse and the driver knows what they are doing.
Thanks everyone. I went with the leap card loaded up with the family rambler. 2 adults and 4 children are covered so the extra adult just paid separately with coins. I tried a few leap outlets, but they weren't set up to do the family pass so I had to go to the post office and queue for 30 minutes to get it. It was easy to use, great value at 12 euro, unlimited use for the day, although not easy to get. Thanks. Geri
and/or LUAS?
Not on Luas. It’s tag on tag off per single card. Not sure about DART but suspect the same.

I keep a few kids’ Leap cards in the house. Minimum balance is €3 I think. With the phone app you can read balance easily and top up with increments of as little as €5.
The only problem with the NFC is removing the cover off the phone each time & mine seems to need a crowbar.