Can I get cash back twice from one provider?

Did you just go through their operations team or a mobile mortgage manager? I might try my arm so...
Mortgage person came to our office, so I guess mobile mortgage manager. She said they'll allow you switch after a day with previous lender if it's beneficial for the customer. It's the usual of "depends who you talk to"...
Any thoughts on how i might get on? My Solicitors thinks that when the underwriters start looking into my history they will see a pattern of 3 quick switches in the last 20 months or so. I am hoping that they just see that my credit history is perfect with 2 good incomes etc.
Hi there, i have just drawn down a variable mortgage with ulster bank and was hoping to switch to kbc and avail of the casback ootion, but have been advised by them that i have to be with ulster bank a year before they will accept my application, just wondering is this true?