Can I claim my bonus?



I joined a company 3 years ago, just as things went south in the economy. Prior to joining, I had agreed a salary with an annual bonus figure, payable on completion of certain targets, that were to be agreed with the MD (I have this in my contract).

2 months after joining, everybody in the company took a 15% pay cut, which is still in place as the company took a 30% hit in sales figures, and there was some doubt that it would survive. At the time, I was happy to take the reduction, I was more worried about holding onto the job, seeing that I was one of the last in the door.

Over the past 3 years I have carved out a niche for myself within the company and it would be pretty hard to replace me at this stage. The pay cut is still in place but the company has returned to profitability, in part through a lot of hard work by myself. In conversation with another staff member during the week (at a similar level to me), she indicated that she had been paid her bonus (although she had to fight for it), over the course of the past 3 years. I have never received any.

The company has always treated me very well (extra time off work when required for family issues & they pay 50% of a course I am doing) and I am happy to continue to work there.

Just wondering if anybody could advise on what rights I have and how hard should I push for payment of this bonus?

Bearing in mind that the MD has never set targets for my bonus, and I am 3 years into the job without a performance review.