Can I claim ilness benefit and work some hours too?


Registered User
Basically I broke my leg and was off full time. I'm now back and unable to do full days as my foot needs to be up and the desk is not properly set up for me. Can I work a few hours each week and claim ilness benefit?
If you have been on Illness benefit you would need a clearance cert from your doctor to go back to work which would mean the end of your Illness benefit
I got a clearance cert although the doctor didn't want me to go back. I had no choice but to go back but now am told been back and without foot up is prolonging the healing. Is a clearance cert final?
Now that you have returned to work with clearance (albeit reluctantly) from the doc. and are having problems you can return to him and explain the situation. He can then put you back on Illness benefit if he feels you returned to work too soon
You are not allowed to work certain hours and continue to claim IB - without prior approval from the DSFA. You can claim an exemption from the Dept and ask them if you can work 15 hours per week or so - or otherwise engage in rehabilitative employment - but permission has to be got before you can engage in paid/non-paid work. When you are claiming you sign a declaration that you have not worked or been paid by your employer - and if you make a false statement you could be in serious trouble if you are found out.