Can I ask for redundancy?


Registered User
Just enquiring on behalf of a friend whether or not he should enquire about trying to get redundancy from his employer. He has been a loyal worker for the last 37 years but his pension entitlement will not come to very much since the employer only apparently started contributions very late in the day (he works in the construction sector). He and his wife are concerned that they will have very little to live on in their retirement because of the abysmal occupational pension he will receive coupled with the very limited state pension. He has been with his boss since he started up the business in the 70s and the boss has good time for him. He finds the work hard going nowadays though and complains about various aspects of the job (physically and otherwise) very often. We have all been advising him that he should approach his boss to see whether he might give him redundancy so he will get some kind of lump sum after all his years service with him. What are the chances of this happening do you think? As it is he is now only about 3 years from actual retirement age.
It is impossible to tell what the boss will say. He should just sit down and have a chat with him.