Can I ask for a rent reduction?

Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

If I were in your shoes, I'd be a little more proactive. I would line up a house locally at a lower rent, then tell the agent that you have an option at the lower price. If the landlord has any sense he'll drop to the level of the option. If not, just move and save yourself the money.
If you were my tenant, I'd be trying to hold on to you at the market rate, or a bit less even.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Part 3 of the Residential Tenancies Act deals with rent reviews and basically says that the rent can not be set above the 'market rent' for the area.

PRTB remember have details of all tenancies registered including rents.

PRTB have a lot of information and power in this area but initially I would speak to the landlord and if he is not amenable then get on to PRTB.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

My tenants recently asked for a rent reduction halfway through their lease. I gave them a reduction because the mortgage on the property has dropped over the last few months and they keep the place absolutely spotless.

So yes I would definately ask for a reduction, but maybe dont insist. A person asking me politely always wins the day over someone who is demanding!
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Can't see why the landlord would refuse you when if you leave he'd have to accept the market rate and a possible/probable vacant period.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Why ask? Why not just tell him you are paying €950 per month and no more- I can nearly guarantee you he won't say no!!I am goin to tell my landlord that he has to accept less rent or we will move out- and we are only half way through a years lease
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

The poster needs to ask/negotiate because if he/she just pays less rent then he/she is in breach of the letting agreement.

In the current climate I can see no problem with an agreed reduction but if somebody came to me and just stated that they were paying less unilaterally it would get the hackles up when there would be no real need to.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

i think thats a bad move. firstly if you move out before the lease is up he/she can keep your deposit.

secondly, as I said in my previous post I will always react more favourably to someone asking rather than demanding.

thirdly if my tenants told me they were going to pay less rather than asking I would have absolutely no problem if they moved out. Not the type of tenants I would want anyway.

Just be careful as to the advice you are giving someone because they might end up without a place to live if they take that approach.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

If you demanded anything from me I would tell you where to go. If you brought it up in a structured manerly way then I would be open to negotiation.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

This would flag you as a problem tenant to me and I'd more than likely let you leave. What's wrong with being polite?
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

In addition to the other replies to this there's also the fact that as you have a fixed term lease, if you move out before the lease is expired you can be pursued for rent due to the end of the lease. If I were your landlord I'd go after you for it too with that attitude!
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Hi All,

Many thanks for all your replies on this. I have no intention of demanding anything, thats not me. I have arranged a meeting on friday to discuss possible options, that way, if the landlord declines a reduction, then I have time to sort something out. Hopefully we can reach a mutual agreement.
Fingers Crossed!!
Re: Can I ask for a reduction??? - UPDATE

Hi Everybody,

As you were all so kind in responding to my dilemma, I thought it only fair to let you know whats happened thus far......

I had arranged to go and meet with the landlord last week on my lunch break to discuss the possibility of a rental reduction for the coming term.

On the morning of the day in question, I was informed that i am being made redundant, and that I am finishing work on the 1st March..thus, no need now to ask for a reduction, but a termination at the end of the lease term.

Fortunately, my parents...(who live down the country.. about 2 hours drive away from Dublin), have said that we could move in, rent and childcare free, until we sort ourselves out. I am absolutely devastated, no job, no home, no life

Anyways, signing off now, but thanks again for all of your advice
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Very sorry to hear this mrsmonypenny, however, despite the doom & gloom there are jobs and there's no reason why you won't have your pick of them. This might be an opportunity to land a better paying job than you had and perhaps get closer to owning your own home.

Moving back home should be your fall-back plan, the sooner you get job applications out there the sooner you'll have interviews the sooner you'll have successful interviews.

Good luck.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction??? - UPDATE

Fortunately, my parents...(who live down the country.. about 2 hours drive away from Dublin), have said that we could move in, rent and childcare free, until we sort ourselves out. I am absolutely devastated, no job, no home, no life
I'm sorry for what's happened to you mrsmonypenny, things will work out, you have a great family there to take you in. Isn't that wonderful at the end of the day. I hope everything works out for you.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

That's terrible Mrs M.
But not as bad as "no job, no home, no life"
Are you going to get redundancy?
Have you checked out your SW entitlements...perhaps make an appointment to speak to your local community welfare officer.
If you negotiate with your landlord and know what your new income level will be is possible you could stay put.
Remember if you are home full time you won't have any childcare costs either. Perhaps you could offer some in home childcare or after school pick ups etc. Its coming up to the summer, could you take in a foreign student? (babs might have to sleep in your room for that period.)

You sound like a gold plated tenant to me.

I think the option of moving back with your parents sounds like a great safety net....but it is VERY hard on a relationship. So I would only use it, when you have checked out all other options.

Good Luck.