Can I ask for a rent reduction?


Registered User
Hi everybody,

Just looking for a bit of advice......

I have been renting a house for the past 4 years in North County Dublin. Its a small 2 bed, mid terraced house. I am recently married, were a professional working couple, and we have one son. When we originally moved in, the rent was €850, and over the years has increased, to which at the moment we are paying €1100 per month. The house is rented through an agent, and I have never met nor spoken to the landlord. Throughout my time here, I have been a model tenant, rent always paid on time, the house is immaculate, Ive re-painted the house twice, replaced carpet, and just good general upkeep and maintenance as if it were my own home, and I have never picked up the phone and asked the landlord for a thing, not so much as a lightbulb! ( Even though as a tenant I know im entitled to ask the landlord, but I just felt awkward and a bit cheeky asking). I never hear from the agent either, I just recieve a new agreement every year in the post, sign it, and send it back.

At the moment, we are trying desperately to get onto the property ladder, and with all of our current outgoings, are struggling to save, and with our current ecomonic climate, were finding things difficult in every day life, ie, the daily cost of living, etc.

The current agreement is coming up for review in march, and I was thinking of asking for a reduction in rent. Im Looking for advice on....

If this is a good idea to ask / Am I entitled with the decreasing rent amounts?
If yes, how much is acceptable to ask for? At the moment the market comparison in our area is anything between €850 and €950 pm.

If the landlord declines, then we will definetly have to move, and I really dont want to move from one rented house to another. I have always said since I moved in there, that whenever I moved out, that it would be into my own home. ( Realistically with our circumstances, it will more that likely be around the first quarter of 2010 before we have our own home).

Any advice guys???
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

If the landlord declines,you could always stay put.With removal costs and hassle it might be worth your while staying.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

There's certainly no harm in asking - as you're such a good tenant I'm sure the landlord would be eager to keep you there.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Just as rents went up in the boom they're coming down now. If ya dont ask, you wont get. If i were you i'd say it to the agent, and i'd be very surprised if he didnt give you a reduction..
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Definitely ask. You'll need to be ready for some negotiation, which means if you're to be taken seriously, you'll need to be ready to move!
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Here's your answer.
"At the moment the market comparison in our area is anything between €850 and €950 pm."
Do you want that extra €150-250 in your pocket or the landlords pocket because of your fear of asking for a reduction or moving?

If you still pay €1100 for a another year, thats a 3 grand saving you have missed on.

Its called shopping around, renting is a business transaction, its not made out of loyalty
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Compare it with rents for similar properties in the area. If you are paying over the average then ask. If the landlord can afford it then I'd say you have a good chance of getting something knocked off it. If the landlord is not covering the mortgage then you might not get a reduction.

That rent does sound ok though for the general area.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Speaking as a land lord I'd love to have you as a tenant, so I suggest you ask him or her for the rent to drop.

You could spell out the work you have done in the house and ask for money for it.

Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

I would be going round to the local estate agent to get written evidence of similar houses in the area offering lower rents just in case he has any doubts of your story.
Any landlord should be delighted to have a tennant like you and as a landlord I would happily negotiate with a tennant (with a view to keeping them) especially in the current climate of falling prices and rents.
I also am very willing to re-imburse tenants for any repairs or replacements they have undertaken
Re: Can I ask for a reduction??? a landlord, there is alot of hassle involved in getting a place ready for a new tenant (in the middle of it at the moment !!).

Get some evidence of similar properties and approach to see what they say. You may have to offer notice if they say no (they may want to see if you are being serious). In the current market, any landlord who gets rid of good tenant is MAD !!
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Hi Monypenny,

It's a no-brainer. Speaking as a landlord you're a dream tenant and I wouldn't want to lose you.

Forget 'awkward' & 'cheeky', contact the landlord and the agent today and explain that there's too much value in moving to remain at the current rent. Leave the ball in their court. They will come back with an offer above what they are prepared to take. Negotiate an extra €50/100 referring only then to your credentials as a tenant. Don't settle for anything over €900(but I would be aiming for €850).

The landlord's mortgage and/or investment success is not your problem.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

If you're trying to buy a house you may find some builders willing to rent you the house you want to buy for a period of up to 3years - a couple of builders in wexford are doing this as are some in tullamore.

Maybe worth investigation as the choice is very good out there.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

The current agreement is coming up for review in march, and I was thinking of asking for a reduction in rent. Im Looking for advice on....

If this is a good idea to ask / Am I entitled with the decreasing rent amounts?
Yes, as a tenant you are entitled to ask for a rent review if you have not had one in 12 months.

If yes, how much is acceptable to ask for? At the moment the market comparison in our area is anything between €850 and €950 pm.
The Residential Tenancy Act 2004 states that the rent can not be set above market rate so you can take heart that the law is on your side for this one. In your case it seems that the market rate is somewhere around the €900 mark.

As far as I know the PRTB has the power to force the rent to the market rate should the landlord refuse. Considering the length of time they could take to sort that though you are better off trying to find a mutual agreement first.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Just as rents went up in the boom they're coming down now. If ya dont ask, you wont get. If i were you i'd say it to the agent, and i'd be very surprised if he didnt give you a reduction..
I'd go direct to the landlord if I were you. Agents will charge a fee to get a new tenant in so they won't be too bothered if you leave.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

As a landlord, I would prefer to drop the rent rather than have the property empty for a period - takes a long time to make up the loss of 2 months rent. But, check around re the current going-rate for comparable properties, but don´t assume that they´re getting the advertised rent. Best of luck
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Hi Everybody,

Many thanks for all of your replies, you have all been more than helpful, and your opinions greatly appreciated in this matter.

I will be contacting the agents this week to discuss further, and will let you all know the outcome!

Thanks again guys!
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

What are the terms of the lease and how long does it have left until it expires? If you are within the terms of the lease, then you are obligated to pay the amount dictated by it. However, you are entitled to request a rent review once a year.
Re: Can I ask for a reduction???

Speaking as someone who has been involved in a situation similiar to this, i thought i would let you now how it unfolded,Tenant asked for a €200 per month reduction over the phone, or the would have to look else where, after making their case, the landlord offered a €100 per month reduction which was accepted by both parties,so no harm asking.