Can I amend net rate bands for 2013?


Registered User
Hi everyone,

We had a financial advisor come to my work recently and after looking at my p60 and payslips he explained that my husband has the majority of tax allocations (I'm the higher earner) and because of this we lost out on over 3000euro last year. I've went online and changed out net rate bands for this year but when I called Revenue I was told that we cannot amend previous years tax bands. However, the financial advisor I was talking to seemed very confident that his company would be able to claim this back for me?

Just wondering if anyone can help me out here? I don't mind paying an advisor to claim the money back but I just want to know if it is actually possible to do so!

Many thanks in advance
You can't change bands for previous years but you can request a refund if you have overpaid tax over the last 4 years.

If you ring Revenue and ask for a balancing statement/P21 this will normally identify any overpayments in prior years.