Can anyone explain what happened at Bloxhams?

Brendan Burgess

I can't make head nor tail of the reports in the paper.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ok, so some of the partners had limited liability and some had unlimited liability.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Is it normal to appoint a liquidator to a partnerhsip? The unlimited partners have full liability anyway.
Other questions.

The minimum capital required seems to have been €5.8 million and they reckon that they were "undercapitalised".

They had thought that they had enough capital, but now their assets exceed their liabilities by €13.9 m. That is a €20m difference.

You could blame an accountant for a €1m or maybe €2m of an overstatement, but the directors couldn't have believed that they had €6 million in capital, when the true position was a deficit of minus €14m.

These are stockbrokers. They are used to analysing accounts of public companies and recommending them for their clients to invest in. I can't understand that they did not appreciate how bad things were.

And how can they suddenly have a deficit of €14 million anyway? This would have to reflect a lot of trades gone badly wrong. Or did they pay out a lof of money in compensation? But if they did, they must know that they did and the impact that would have had on capital.
Brendan, I don't know the ins and outs but as far as I know, there are a trading loss that was recorded as an asset and there were a couple of other liabilities that were recorded as assets as well. I don't know if someone was trying to cover up a trading loss or what. Guess we will find out in time. Questions for the auditor as well because by the sounds of it, their audited accounts were fiction going back a couple of years.
Did I hear correctly that the Managing Partner (to whom the Finance Partner reported) is continuing in his role under the new owners? So much for accountability then...
The main stockbroking company/partnership is in liquidation. There is a liquidator and not a new owner as such. It is likely that the liquidator would keep the Key Staff on to wind down the firm. There would be nothing unusual in that.

The wealth management business has been sold, but I have not heard that the owners have taken on Pramit Ghose, the Managing Partner.
Given that it sounds like an accounting student could have noticed the error(s), it will be interesting to see how long it takes for someone to be prosecuted.

I won't be holding my breath!
I have read the Affidavit presented to the High Court (If anyone wants a copy, PM your email address to me and I will send it on)

9. FBD is the limited partner. The other partners are general partners i.e. with unlimited liability.

|profit available to partners|net assets
I can't see where this €14m appeared in the accounts? It should show up as a massive loss in one year.

Based on financial returns prepared, as at 31 December 2011, I say and am advised that Bloxham was obliged to hold regulatory capital of €5,600,000.
30 and 31 Mr Gunnell's accounting overstatements

trading losses |€2.6m
income tax|€1m
partners' tax|€1.7m
Total errors|€5.3m

36 Sale of Private clients: €2.2m
39 Sale of Fund Management: €3.6m

the report and financial statement for Bloxham dated 31 December 2011 – – valued Bloxham’s investment in the Irish Stock Exchange at €6,250,000.


Net assets at 31 Dec 2012 |€12.8m
Net liabilities at wind up|€14m
Loss in value| €26.8m

Make up of this
Less accounting errors| €5.3m
Less write off of ISE membership|€6.3m
Total |€11.4m

Unaccounted for €15.4m

Perhaps they had to recognise huge losses on the sale of the businesses to Davy's? But these were sold to bolster the capital position, so presumably they had a nil book value?

The €14m compensation doesn't appear anywhere obvious in the accounts. I wonder if they treated the €14m compensation as an asset because they expected to win the case against Morgan Stanley? That would explain the bulk of the unaccounted for money.

In 2011, they lost €362k but the net assets increased by €3.8m so the partners must have introdcued over €4m into the firm. But as they had taken huge profits out in previous years, this should not have been a problem.