Calling it a day gracefully while you're still healthy.


Registered User
Perhaps there is a more appropriate category for this topic but I felt this one fitted.

I read a headline in Irishtimes over the weekend whereby it seems that a seemingly healthy but aging couple decided to call it a day on life on their own terms.

I only got the headline and 1st paragraph due to the paywall.

My wife and I have had this discussion and so has my sister. The conversation is prompted by the strong aversion to years of significantly sub par life quality.

I'd imagine taking this action would have an effect on insurance policies but that's about the height of it in financial terms.

Switzerland has been allowing this through Exit and Dignity Organisations for many years now although I'm not certain it extends to healthy individuals.

I'm in favor of the practice with appropriate guardrail but it's undoubtedly complex.

Will we ever see Organisations like Exit or Dignity operating legally in Ireland.