Calculating tax


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I am thinking of becoming a Stay at Home Mum, will my husband pay less tax if I become one? We current have the marriage tax benefit with me being taxed less.

Sorry if this sounds muddled, would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction, there use to be a tax calculator on the PWC website but I can't seem to find it anymore.

A 2 income household can earn a maximum of €68,000 at 20%, being a maximum of €43,000 + €25,000 .
A 1 income household can earn a maximum of €43,000 at 20%.
If you can claim the home carer credit your husband would get an extra €770 tax credit pa.
Assuming that your husband is earning €43,000 pa or more, then the saving on his tax will be €770 pa. He would also get both personal tax credits if he doesn't already have both. ( depends on how you had them split ) Generally, you'd lose your wages and he'd save €770 in tax.
If his earnings were less than €43,000 or if you had the standard rate band split with him having less than €43,000 then he could be brought up to that amount and his tax would fall a bit more. Theres a calculator that others have used on here which may be of use.

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