By-passing the estate agent!?!

Curious me

Registered User
:( I'd appreciate any advice on this. Put a bid on a house of €381,000. Some lovely lady decided to by-pass the estate agent and go to the owner direct with the same offer. The owner informed the estate agent and now we both have the same bid on! Grrrr. Any advice on how to proceed with this?
Sad me
Has the house been on the market for long? How far above the asking price is it gone?
Had the estate agent not already gone to the vendor with your offer when the other lady approached them? I'm not an expert at all but it sounds like your offer was in first. Although the vendor can sell to whoever they want at the end of the day regardless. What does your estate agent say?
The estate agent was contacting the vendor at the time when the vendor told her the story. Who to trust!?
So how does it stand now? Was your bid rejected?

I presume you don't want to go any higher due to stamp duty

I've heard of something similar happening but the seller had to pay something to the estate agent as it was due to their advertising/signs etc that they secured a sale on the property.