Buying with GF about to be made redundant, mort in GF's name, my rights if we split?



i am thinking of buying a house with my girlfriend but as i am about to be made redundant from work the only way we can get mortgage is under her name, will i have any rights to this property if we split up? is there any legal way we can put the house under both our names as bank wont give loan with my name on application?
Re: House rights

you could perhaps get the deeds of the house in both your names?
Re: Buying with GF about to be made redundant, mort in GF's name, my rights if we spl

You can get your solicitor to specify your ownership rights.
Your solicitor will ask you if you want to be 'joint tenants' or 'tenants in common'. One implies equal ownership, the other you can specify your shares (sorry, I can't remember which is which).

When it comes to paying the mortgage you will both be liable, so yes, if the mortgage is in both your names you should have ownership rights. It's for you and your GF to decide what way it will work and instruct your solicitor accordingly.

Edit: sorry, just reread your post. why won't the bank give you a mortgage in both your names? I know it can be done even if one person is out of work - your means just won't be assessed. Maybe try another bank? I am absolutely positive it can be done with First Active (though their rates and customer service are awful in my opinion, I'd never advise to go with them).
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Re: Buying with GF about to be made redundant, mort in GF's name, my rights if we spl

The difficulty with giving the mortgage in both names if one is unemployed is that it up the qualifying criteria, again I can only speak for the bank I know but it would mean that you would need enough left after loan repayments for 2 people to live on and room rental would not be factored in as this is only allowable for single applicants. That may be why the bank will advance more on one income.