Buying property in Dubai/Emirates


Registered User
Hi Has anyone bought property in Emirates and if so how did you go about. What are the best agencies and was it for renting or a holiday home? Any good websites I can check.
Has anyone ventured down this road yet.
Property in Dubai

In spite of trying (not succeeding) to check with even the Revenue Commissioners, I cannot find out what taxes would be payable on a property in Dubai if it was won as a prize in this country - approx value €85,000.00 - by a PAYE worker in Ireland. Anyone help?
Re: Property in Dubai

bat said:
In spite of trying (not succeeding) to check with even the Revenue Commissioners, I cannot find out what taxes would be payable on a property in Dubai if it was won as a prize in this country - approx value €85,000.00 - by a PAYE worker in Ireland. Anyone help?

I don't think any tax would be payable, if the competition was set up correctly. If you sell the property, then you will be liable to CGT on the proceeds at 20% (given that your acquisition cost was Nil)

Did you win the Sunday Indpendent/Larionovo competition ?
Re: Property in Dubai

Moderator note: more or less identical threads merged together.

-- ClubMan

Has anyone else property in Dubai? Would it be a good financial investment? Is it easy to rent apartments or houses out there?
Re: Property in Dubai

Thanks ajc. I wonder would there be taxes payable in Dubai. And NO is the answer to the next question - at least not yet. Are you in for it too?
This probably isn't what you want to hear, but talking to friends who live in Dubai, they're saying that very few of the ex-pats are buying now. From their point of view the prices are 'un-proven', as they can literally go on building as far as the sand goes! A few have raised concerns about the build quality, 1 person who had bought a villa less than 5 years old has just had it condemned, and it needs to be rebuilt!
Finally a lot of the money that was made in Dubai has been through flipping properties, the first range of houses / appartments are only now being completed, so it a bit difficult to value them realistically.
There is a lot of building going on with the infrastructure just keeping up, but Business Post had a good article a while back about the potential issues with the Palm area, as they increased the number of units being built but haven't upped the number of roads. And this developments is feeding out onto one of the main highways (sheikh zayeed road I believe).
On the plus side there is a push to grow Dubai, I think they are talking doubling the population over the next 10 years (i'm open to correction on this one). There is currently a strong rental market, with the rents currently on the increase, and many ex-pats do get rental allowances while there (many of those expats are on 3-5 year contracts), and the norm seems to be paying the rent every 6 months.
Have you visited Dubai? Before making any commitments I'd check it out and see if its where you want to tie up your money.
For developments, check out some of the main builders and developments and are the only one I can think of off hand. See what they are quoting, before going looking at the agencies who will get a cut!
I'd agree with most of what you say mell61.

Like anywhere else you need to be careful of the builder you choose. Most of the Royal Family connected contractors (nakheel, emaar, dubai properties) have a good reputation.

If the Royal Family decide to build another apartment complex on your Golf Course because of demand there is probably little that you can do - if your apartment value has gone up anyway, do you really care? If you had planned to live in it yourself I expect you would... as an investor...?

Traffic can be worse than Dublin and the authorities are frantically announcing new projects to cope with demand.

In my opinion weighing up the pitfalls it probably makes sense as an investment provided you have a reasonable time frame (5 years +)