Buying Land


Registered User
Hi - just wondering is there any best way of buying land other than through the property websites? I'd love to get a small site (.5 acre) in West Dublin / Meath but find that the prices are really high on the property websites. Anyone any tips? Much appreciated.
land in dublin/meath is going to be expensive even if it doens't have planning permission. whether it's on a website or not has no bearing.

you obviously want a .5acre plot for a house, yes? so you can expect to pay big money with PP or not.

the .25 acre plot beside my house is worth about 200k-250k for instance and I'm far far outside the M50.
Its all about supply and demand; what you are looking for is what everyone is looking for, so prices will be high whether through agencies or not. Anyone sitting on land in that area knows the value of it and won't sell it cheaply even if you deal directly with the vendor.

Your best bet is to try to buy an existing run-down house and demolish/rebuild; it won't come cheap but will leave you a margin if you control the building costs well. Building on a greenfield site is almost impossible, usually premission only given for local need. If you buy an entire farm you will probably get permission, but again you are talking serious money per acre.

Think the previous posters said it all..

The prices you see on the property sites are reflective of the value of land in this area. I know a few people on the lookout for something in the area and sites are few and far between. A site with Full Planning Permission in the area can fetch 400k+ (recently saw a 1 acre site with FPP in Navan for 450k)..

As someone said before, you could go down the avenue of buying a derelict property and renovating it but this can turn out to be an expensive project.

If you can, I'd advise you to look a bit further away from Dublin for some value. Keep an eye on the likes of and and also in local papers...
local papers are good - but how do you expect to get planning permission - i live in a village in the midlands and am on my third attempt of trying to get planning and i have lived in the area all my live. The way planning permission is now you can't really pick and choose where you want to live you need to meet local need requirement.