Buying in Cavan (Virginia or Cavan)


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Hi, my sister is thinking of buying in Cavan at the moment, had a look at myhome and they seem good value compared to Dublin prices, would anybody know what the house market is like there at the moment? Are houses making guide or more than this, is there any scope for negotiation with EA's?
Just sold our house in Virginia and we got the asking price after 8 weeks on the market, so if seller is looking for a quick sale might be some room for negociation.
huge amount of buy to let in cavan. one estate i was in last week with developer sold 90% to investors. Pleanty of scope for a bargain. loads of 3 bed semis around 200k. good value but as an owner occupier be careful what estate you buy in. buy out the dublin rd (N3) close to Quinn/cavan crystal.
I'm from Cavan and there is no way I'd buy in the town as an investment. Most of the houses are rental properties and the majority of people have trouble getting them rented out. There's a rental market because of the hospital and college but there are simply too many houses. I'd advise you to seriously do your research before buying there. If you look in the local paper or on any notice boards in the town you'll see scores of houses offered for rent. Virginia is probably a better buy because a lot of people commute from there to Dublin so your resell value would be much higher.