Buying back Notional Service but confused by the deductions on Payslip?


New Member
I am purchasing Notional Service from the civil service. On my payslip there are of course numerous deductions (USC, PAYE, ASC and PRSI). What I am not clear about are the additional deductions and why the deductions are broken down in the way that they are. My payslip deductions include;

Pension Surv 1.5%
Pension (Lump sum)
Pension 3.5%
Notional Serv
Notional Serv

I am not sure why it is broken down this way and even if it is correct (I presume it is). In particular I'm not sure what the Pension Surv 1.5% or the pension 3.5% means? Any help would be gratefully received.
Did you join the public service in 2013 or later? If you did, and you can read about how your pension is funded here:

The 'Pension Surv 1.5%' probably refers to a contribution by you in exchange for a Survivors' Pension in the event of your death.
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Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it as I was very confused by it all.
I joined in 2007 does that make a difference ?