Buying Apartment from bank via agent


Registered User
I have put a bid on an apartment with an agent who tells me he is selling on behalf of the bank.
I put the bid in and heard nothing back until I rang the agent two days later to inquire as to whether it was accepted or not. He sounded surprised that I rang -think I caught him off guard or something!! Said he put my offer to the bank and it was turn down. I don't know why but I just didn't believe he even put the offer forward. Gave a big story about having to put the bid to a certain individual in the bank and then he has to write a report for their selling team who in turn make the decision. Given the short time span between putting the bid in and inquiring as to the outcome, I can't see how a report could be done and a decision provided that quickly.
He sounded totally disinterested in making a sale which has me wondering if he is holding it for someone else. My questions is this , is there any way to deal with banks directly in order to bid for property or do agents hold all the cards?
Why don't you send in the bid directly to the bank by registered post?
Why not? Can't you look it up in the Land registry, or chat to the neighbours, never know what you might find out.
If you can find out who the management company/agent is for the block, they might be willing to foward your offer to the owner or the bank (if they have had dealings with them over fees etc.).
I think banks have to go through a system of passing the offer further up the line and this takes some time.

This week I put in a offer on a property which the bank repossessed but I put a time limit on the offer of 7 days. The EA told me that those responsible only meet twice a week to discuss any offers.

I'm not that worried - the offer was well low and I also put in offers on several other properties in the area - I'll buy the one that is accepted (if any offer is accepted!)