Business Start Up idea - thoughts?

Now we know why the country ended up in a mess, when non-designer equipment is considered to be a stigma.

I'm not criticising you, Banker. I live with one of these silly people as well.

No criticism taken Complainer... Believe me it has led to arguments!!

To answer your questions dmos...

a) It is a designer brand - No, she shares all her baby buying gossip with her sister/friends who are all pregnant and they discuss the equipment they have bought. So designer or not she would not buy second hand.

b) In excellent Condition - Its her first born and I know she would not put him/her in a second hand pram buggy. If we go on to have a second child I think she will recycle the pram/buggy/equipment for the next baby as that appears to be acceptable!

c) There is no clue that it is in fact second hand - She would know and all her friends would know as they discuss all aspects of baby items i.e what to buy, where to buy etc..

d) She could save herself over half of the actual cost - That doesn't come into it I am afraid. When it comes to the unborn baby, nothing but the best.

Recently we were in Mothercare and there was a special offer where the Quiny combo buggy/pram/car seat was reduced from €1,000 to €750 but she thought there must obviously be something wrong with it if it was reduced. However, while in the shop another couple with a new born passed (pushing the very same Quiny) and commented with a depressed sigh on "how everything was reduced after we buy" so she was happy to purchase then

However, in her defence I will say that she has been saving hard for the last two years for this event so I cant give out too much as all the purchases will be funded from non borrowed money. Which goes back to my point that expectant mothers will go the extra yard for there unborn kids and would be extremely slow to buy second hand equipment.
Not a viable business. When it comes to kids / children, Parents only want the best. They may accept handdowns from family and friends. Even still, I know people who have 'accepted' handdowns and gifted them to SVP!

Personally, we have got the most beautiful baby clothes from friends and family. Maybe if you just concentrated on top quality second hand clothes but the margin couldn't be great.
We have rented 2nd hand stuff online that we were reluctant to buy for the baby...rocker/mobiles etc (I live overseas). That way if it wasn't suitable we could give it back. We ended up buying the rocker new ourselves after a few months because it was so good. We have enough income to buy brand new but I think a lot of stuff people buy may not be suitable and a complete waste of money, I think people's attitudes (and wallet) has changed in Ireland so there may be some market there. It kind of disgusts me the way Irish people became so obsessed with image and new stuff...that's not the way I was brought up.

I'll tell you what this points out, the fundamental misunderstanding that more expensive means better (no idea of value- this is what caused the bubble and bust).

Run it online and do rental, rockers and mobiles, Fisherprice etc..people have seen them in the shops and they are brandnames so easier to get people to try ( I don't care too much about brandnames BUT it is easier for people as they have recognition and safety reputation)...that way you can check the business. There are people looking for value out there and you can cover the whole island. Kids grow out of things so quickly and take to different rental is the way to go.

In addition if you can link with the manufacturers/large wholesalers, try and get a deal on some of the well known stuff and sell it at cut rate prices will beat the stores price no problem.
I'm a mother and I think it's a great idea. People buy second hand baby stuff online all the time (just check out the amount of baby stuff that is sold on ebay) and the advantage of a shop is that you can see and try the items before you buy them, as with online purchases you can't do that and with second hand stuff there are no returns. So if you go to a shop and see it before you buy you are less likely to end up disappointed.
I buy second hand baby stuff all the time, mostly clothes as they get ruined so fast that there is no point in spending fortune on them (and no it doesn't mean i love my kids less). The only thing i would never buy second hand is car seat for obvious safety reasons.
I don't know what is wrong with people here pretending they are so posh they would never buy second hand baby stuff, in my opinion they are just stupid. But they might get a reality check, we will all have to tighten belts for the next 4 years so hopefully people will stop showing off and come to their senses. I personally don't know anyone who wouldn't be struggling as is, none of my friends are wealthy, but maybe I'm in minority here. But I would definitely give that business idea a go, as you said yourself you haven't much to lose and you will probably regret it and think about it for the rest of your life if you don't give it a try