Bus Lane Penalty Points

There are two offences listed on the penalty points list that could encompass driving in the bus lane,
1) Failure to comply with prohibitory traffic signs - 1 point or 3 points if going to court
2) Failure to comply with traffic lane markings - 1 point or 3 points if going to court
Both incur a fine or €60, if paid before court or €90, if it goes to court.

Saying that, it's not specifically listed so maybe it would be just classed as a misdemeanor. Did you get a ticket?
No, I didn't get a ticket but I was just wondering as I have recently started to use the bus lane to avoid some traffic.

Hopefully neither of these points cater for Bus Lanes.
It is a BUS lane after all, not a 'Bus and/or car' lane. Its an ignorant thing to do though whether its a penalty point offence or not. Do you expect to be let back in to the queue once you get to the top of the bus lane?
No, I didn't get a ticket but I was just wondering as I have recently started to use the bus lane to avoid some traffic.

Hopefully neither of these points cater for Bus Lanes.

As Niallman says, its a BUS lane, provided for Buses and bicycles, not for you or anyone else to avoid traffic. You're obviusly aware that you shouldn't be using them and willing to accept the risk of a fine but not the points.

That said and my grumpy morning rant over I believe you will get penalty points as its a driving offence.

Get a cop in a bad mood and it's Pointsville, Arizona

p.s. Don't do it. It's ignorant and inconsiderate to other compliant road users. Leave earlier if need be.
its a BUS lane, provided for Buses and bicycles,

Interestingly enough, and from my own experience of driving motorbikes, i have very often be directed by guards to use the bus lane. This seems to be a gray area. Though, from a legal point of view, bus lanes are only for buses and taxi carrying customers.

I have often wonder what case would i have should i have been intructed by a guard to use the bus lane, to be stopped by another guard miles down the road and fined?

My 0.001c...
Its nearly as bad to see people just letting them out at the end of the bus lane. If people just left them sitting in the lane for a while they might not be so quick to skip the queue the next time.

Sit in traffic or risk the wrath of some angry drivers like yourselves for using the bus lane? I definitely know what I would choose.
Sure why bother waiting at traffic lights either, half the time it's obvious that there is no one else coming the opposite direction....
Hi JackC,

My father got points for driving in the bus lane, so theres no 2 ways about it. Its an offence.
he went down the bus lane to turn into our estate quicker (always a temptation) and they were waiting at the other end..

don't do it

Sit in traffic or risk the wrath of some angry drivers like yourselves for using the bus lane? I definitely know what I would choose.

So you will choose penalty points then and higher insurance costs?? Because that is what you will get
So JackC, if you were standing in a queue in a shop and I walked the length of the queue and stepped in front of you, would you not complain about it?

How about this?

There is a queue in the shop, everyone queing in the same one to go different places. You come up the outside of the queue becuase you are going elsewhere, would I be worried? No, the choice was yours.

All, I only asked the question of penalty points. If you all want to get hung up on it, be my guest. But at the end of the day it is my decision.

I would be willing to take the fine, but penalty points is a different matter.

Happy driving everyone and stay calm.
Sit in traffic or risk the wrath of some angry drivers like yourselves for using the bus lane? I definitely know what I would choose.

You haven't got a hope in hell of getting away with this on an ongoing basis. If you try to be a smart-ass each day, it is only a matter of time before you run into;

a) a member of the Gardai
b) a contrary cyclist like me, who will snap a picture of you, your car & your reg number on their mobile phone camera and lodge their complaint to the Garda TrafficWatch phone line before you get to your desk.
Is driving in the Bus lane a penalty point offence?
Sit in traffic or risk the wrath of some angry drivers like yourselves for using the bus lane? I definitely know what I would choose.
We only get mad when selfish people like you come flying past

Obvioulsy you value your time more than that of others, so the solution to your time starved life is to get a taxi plate and then you can drive in them to your hearts content, and not annoy other road users. Thought with a taxi plate you may become even more selfish.

Wishing you all the best for joining the list of drivers with more that 10p pts and do stay cool out there as there are lots mad drivers on the road!

Absolutely not! Driving in bus lanes is an offence, but does not attract penalty points (to the great relief of motorcyclists like me . . .)

See here: http://www.transport.ie/upload/general/7424-1.pdf
Absolutely not! Driving in bus lanes is an offence, but does not attract penalty points (to the great relief of motorcyclists like me . . .)

See here: http://www.transport.ie/upload/general/7424-1.pdf

Stand corrected on that. Dont know why its not. I do not agree that people should even contemplate using the bus lane, while others are taking their turn. Dipping in close to a junction ot turn is acceptable-once they actually turn. I have seen cars indicate to turn left from a bus lane and just keep on going and going, straight on!

Pen pts or not its just not in the spirit of co-operation between drivers to respect other road users. It the two finger approach or one rule for you and one for me...