Burden of Unnecessary Qualifications for creche workers

You put a lot of time/effort into the less-than-€8.00-an-hour employee.
You've said that a number of times. How do employers manage to pay their employees less than the minimum wage?

With respect, the solution isn't marches for higher wages. It's proper regulation and structures.
We've the highest proportion of households in Europe with no or very low earned incomes. That's a direct result of the extremely high minimum wage we have. It's a poverty trap; people whose labour is worth less than €8.60 are unemployable. increasing the minimum wage more won't mean they get paid more, it will ensure they get paid nothing.
Purple, (with respect) your post is naive at best. History has shown us that if you let the employer class loose on the wages issue they will pay as little as possible thereby increasing their own profits. They pay as little as they can because they can.
It is sound business practice not to pay more than you need to for any service or for the purchase of labour but it is against the law to pay less than the minimum wage. How are they doing payroll and making returns which show they are breaking the law?
There is no such thing as an employer class. This is a republic, we don't have classes. Some people stupidly refer to working class and middle class etc. whereas the vast majority of people who work are working class and the vast majority of people who claim to be working class don't work. That shows how stupid, outdated and in many way offensive such classifications are.
Employers are no more or less ethical than any other group of people in this country. To suggest otherwise is also offensive.

You just reminded me of the program John Prescott made a few years back investigating the class system in the UK. This is my particular highlight, and points out how futile it is to try impose a class structure.