Bunq Paying 2.46% Instant Access & No Fees

I just looked at the Bunq site, it appears that the free Easy savings account has a rate of 1.56% , but the Easy bank account at €3/ month has the 2.46% rate, can anyone confirm this?
I have the free Easy Savings account & receive 2.46% interest rate
I did a bit more work, the website I looked at is bunq.com in English and Euros and the easy savings rate is 1.56%, change the language to Dutch and it goes up to 2.56%, change it to German and it goes up to 3.85%, french and its down to 1.56 again.
But I then found the irish ie.bunq.com and its 2.56% in euros and English.
Thanks for the feedback
Wait..so if i change the language to German I get 3.85% rather than 2.56%? who knew knowing German could pay off like that?
Wait..so if i change the language to German I get 3.85% rather than 2.56%? who knew knowing German could pay off like that?
If it would be that simple, it goes by which branch of Bunq you are with and in which country you reside.

If you are resident of Ireland with Irish Bunq Branch you get 2.46%.

If you are resident of Germany with German Bunq Branch you get 3.85% (but that is limited to a certain date).

If you are a resident of the Netherlands, you get 2.46% but if you are in any other market and hence a Bunq Netherlands customer you get 1.56%.

They started targeting their interest rate a while ago to attract more customers, especially from Germany where rates for short term savings are considerable higher than in the Netherlands.
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I also have the easy savings account at 2.46%
This is not the default account they give you, but easy to change to it.
No. I have Easy Savings (only) and I am getting 2.46% since 14th December 2023 after the rate increased.

The Easy Savings rate depends on where you look:

If you look at https://ie.bunq.com/plans/easy-savings the rate is 2.46%

if you look at https://www.bunq.com/plans/easy-savings the rate is 1.56%

You can reach the pages by going to the relevant homepage (bunq.com or ie.bunq.com), click on "compare plans", then click on "Discover Easy Savings". Highly misleading. It would be much clearer if they had a single page setting out the rates in different countries instead of this dubious and deceptive carry-on.
I opened an Easy Savings account on Thursday, directly on the ie bunq website. (I.e. not through a referral). I transferred money in and a savings account appeared, when I checked this savings account the interest rate is 2.46%. I have not seen any reference to a rescued rate for new customers.

Thanks for the explanation Freelance.

Shocking that Bunq cannot get basic information like this correct on all pages on their website.
Yes, you have to upgrade to one of their paid plans to hold a Joint Account. I was in the same quandary earlier this year
I've only just signed up and am waiting on the missus to follow, but seems there is joint access and shared access. I think the former requires the upgraded account while the latter should work on basic. Will confirm when I know the wife can see the new savings account!

Look in the FAQs for info. I can't post the link as I am a new user.
I have an Bunq easy savings account but I noticed yesterday evening in the app that they have added a Credit Card facility to my account which I neither requested or want. It is a Mastercard with number, expiry and CVV.

Did this happen to anyone else?
Thanks for that info. We actually don't have need for Joint Access anymore, moved to TR for better interest rates but thankyou!
Yes, it happened to me. I’m interested to see if there’s any charge involved, but nothing yet.
Just to warn people with a Bunq account that there is an interest toggle and make sure it's turned on. I turned it off by mistake for a few weeks and was not paid interest. I then had to chase the bank up with several messages through the app which were at first ignored until I threatened the Dutch Financial Regulator.
I'm not sure what the purpose of the interest toggle is. I had assumed that even if its off interest would accrue but be unpaid but It seems if toggle is off no interest at all will accrue? This is bizarre.
I find the support for customers at bunq very very poor as in my experience they're very slow to reply and the " ticket" I raised was closed by them when no reply was received. Raisin in comparison is much more responsive.
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Hey, longtime reader, first time poster.
Just an FYI on Bunq. Noticed interest payout was a bit smaller than last Sunday. Looks to be due to leap year, so interest rate divided by 366 instead of 365.
Just in case it puzzled anyone else.
Hey, longtime reader, first time poster.
Just an FYI on Bunq. Noticed interest payout was a bit smaller than last Sunday. Looks to be due to leap year, so interest rate divided by 366 instead of 365.
Just in case it puzzled anyone else.
Should day count for EUR not be ACT/360??