Bully Boss Strikes Again

This is definitely constructive dismissal. you should absolutely:

1. keep record of all conversations - time, date, place, who else was in the room (witness)
2. Get as much as you can on email: if she says things like:

her reply was if i couldnt be on call she would have to find someone else....

then send her an email - RETURN RECEIPTED (so you have confirmation she opened it) asking her to confirm your interpretation of her remarks are correct...
Be very objective, impersonal and polite - both in person and on email...

you'll have no more trouble...

and ignore the rubbish on this thread about recording - you are perfectly entitled to protect yourself, and if this does get worse, you will need to produce evidence about your treatment AND evidence that demonstrates how objectively & professionally you dealt with it...

Now, chin up, follow my advice and sock her one (metaphorically speaking)!
Have you worked for this company for 16 years? Why did you never ask for a contract of employment?
thanks so much for your replies everyone.

the update is after telling my boss that i wasnt willing to accept a further cut to my wages she told me to get out of her office. She then called a meeting for tuesday. She didnt speak to me once in teh office from that friday morning to the tuesday morning. When i attended on tuesday to the meeting i was sacked as she said my work has not been up to scratch for a while now. I was devastated to say the least so much so she told me to go out of the office and get a coffee and come back in 40 mins. I asked her to give me my letter of dismissal and i would go home to which she replied im out of the office int he afternoon and i need to hear so go have your coffee and come back and tell me what your thinking. I left the office and called my partner in tears (again) when i went back she asked what i had to say and i said i was absolutely shocked that i was being sacked as ive never had one complaint about my work ever. She asked did i not see it coming and i said no. I did get a writen warning in february 2009 as i was late three mornings in a row. She said she felt i didnt trust her and she also felt that if she brought the pay issue up again i would not be pleased i said id do anything to hold onto my job and she asked would i accept the paycut and i said yes. she said i dont want you to feel bullied into this i didnt answer that as thats what she was doing. So she got me to sign two letters one about the pay cut and one about the fact that she was going to dismiss me but gave me another chance.

ive spoken to a solicitor and told them that from the time i got this job she has constantly told me im doing things wrong she has had 7 secretarys in 4 years and the agencies are refusing to supply her with temps. She has had a case against her as her previous secretary had a nervous breakdown. she is a bully but i thought standing up to her would make a difference but it only made her worse. I think crunch time was last tuesday when i was driving home and thinking if i got a bottle of vodka and some headache tablets it would be over in a bit then i looked in my rearview and seen my two year old son in the back of the car. so im taking a case for constructive dismissal against her and friday will be my last day here as my solicitor said i need to leave this week. I cannot stress the weight that has been lifted off my shoulders now i know next week i wont be working here even tho at present i dont have another job to go to i at least know i can start to rebuild what she has taken away from me and thats my confidence. Thanks so very much for your replies

oh ive worked in the same field for 16 years ive been working here in this company with one partner only no more than 3 years
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So she says she is dismissing you but because your work was not up to scratch but then changes her mind if you take a pay cut? I cannot imagine someone who works in a legal practice being so stupid as to try and pull this one.
Just an observation. Nobody gets a written warning for just being late three mornings in a row. I would have thought that this was given because this was the only thing that could be measured. Normally a verbal comes before a written warning?
I was late for three mornings in the row the first morning i was late she told me not to be late again. On the third she issued me with a written warning. when i started working here there was another girl here to she left after two weeks of verbal abuse. then another lady came along she was here 8 months and left after she found that there was no give and take with our boss it was just take take take (that lady had a son in temple street and was looking to get time off here and there to share visiting with her husband). I was then offered the full time position as i was working here part time only and i took it as the offer was very good. you cannot do anything right in this office you are constantly being corrected about everything even down to eating mayonaise on a sandwich for your lunch.. apparrently its a disgusting habit! my question is if i was sooooooooo bad at my job why did she give me a full time position and why have i worked here for 3 years its a smoke screen she has a latvian lady working here on the days im off since putting me on a three day week and she pays her 50e from the petty cash box a day as opposed to what she is paying me.. the mind boggles
she has a latvian lady working here on the days im off since putting me on a three day week and she pays her 50e from the petty cash box a day as opposed to what she is paying me.. the mind boggles
Give Revenue and/or NERA a call - that'll soften her cough.
I was late for three mornings in the row the first morning i was late she told me not to be late again.

Telling someone not to be late again the first time they come to work late seems a bit harsh and over the top.

I have to say that I find it very difficult to read your posts. Few commas, full stops, no capital letters etc. In your job were you required to do any typing?
Mrs Doyle,

Have encountered similar problems in my workplace, and am glad you are taking decisive action, rather than letting this roll.

Can you keep posters updated on outcome, would help other people who would feel "its too much hassle" to take this course of action.

Dont you wish you had recorded these meetings now. You would win any case hands down. And even though there is a lot of rubbish about not being allowed to record conversations here (too many people watching too mcuh tv) , you are allowed to record your conversations. and you dont have to tell people you are recording the conversation. Ask your solicitor about it if you dont believe me.

Back to the point at hand.
Sorry to hear the bullying has stepped up more.
I really hope you win this. Im sure you will. Its clear cut bullying.