Building extension in Cork


Registered User
Hi all, I am thinking of demolishing the old extension to my semi d house and rebuilding a slightly bigger extension due to subsidence. I have not got any official quotes yet but a ball park figure that I was told was between 70 - 80k for a 230sq foot room.

Do you think that it’s too stressful / cost effective to try and manage the project yourself?

It gets complicated for me as I am currently digging new drains around the house and when I go to move the extension I will have no shower room as it resides in the extension. I am guessing that it would take 2months for a building contractor to complete the shell work and maybe 1 more for fitting. I take it that a self managed project will take much longer due to delays and no shows from crafts men.

Any input as to how one should proceed
sounds expensive but if you are happy to do the exrension and it will benefit your comfort then certainly go ahead with it..have you tried any small time builders.there are a few in the Cork area that specialize in extensions and attic conversions only or alternatively ask your friends adn family to recommend somebody.. it will of course be cheaper to employ the workmen yourself and manage the whole thing yourself if you have the time and inclination