Building binhut in front garden


Registered User
Hi guys,

Posting this on a friends behalf. They live in a terrace house and started to build a little hut to put their bins in. One of them is handy and doing it himself. Its only the height of the bin bins and the width of two of them.

However the neighbour appears to have gone over the edge on it! They told her what they were doing, and she didnt see why they had to do it and didnt want them to put a wooden back on it. So mate was prepared to put a baton on the back of it. Let me just say that the bins have been in this spot for the last 3 years!!

There is a 6 foot by 4 foot wall, just outside their door where the mains gas and esb meters are, as there tends to be in terraces, and it beside that. The neighbours has began going outside and shouting about it!! She told them they need planning permission, that she has contacted the council and asked them. She took photos of my mate putting it up. Said she was getting legal advice.........and a lot more!

Now my understanding is that given the size of it, you dont need planning permission. And legally there is no issue of trespass or nuisance as its not on her property and, and they arent blocking all the light to her property! My friend is still feeling a little bothered about it and i just wanted to check they were in the right!

Any thoughts?
I would just ignore her, they are building a store for their bins from your post, and she sounds like an old bag!

If shes seeking advice, and I doubt she is, let her get on with it. If she abuses your friend anymore, I would call into the local Garda station and ask them to have a word with her.
Cheers Smashbox, and here was me thinking you only lived in the bargain section of the forum!!