Builder seems to be ignoring my house


Registered User
I have bought a 3 bed semi in Limerick which was due to be completed by Easter.

I called down to the site on Saturday to check on the progress and could not believe my eyes. On my side of the street there are ten houses, the first four are already completed with people moved in. Mine is the sixth house down. I looked in the window and none of the walls have been plastered yet. That was fine until I checked all the other houses. Mine was the only one not to be plastered.

Do I need to nag the foreman to get the house finished? I don't really want to do this in case I need a favour off him at a later stage.

Any advice would be great.
Yes - You need to nag/moan/threaten/bribe/cry - and you need to do it better/more than your neighbours.
Could it be that you were late with a stage payment? You'd be surprised at how many foremen know exactly who has paid and hasn't paid and so order that no further works be done on a particular house?
No. All payments are up to date.

I rang the Main Builder this morning and he told me that the electrician had held things up.

I then rang the foreman and he said the slabbers had held things up. HE said they ran out of slabs when doing my house so then moved on to the next house. Why didn't they use those slabs to finish my house????

I told I didn't want to have to keep ringing him to get things done, but if I have to I will. He insisted there was no need for that and he was on top of it.
That sounds like a builder, all right!

Plague him. Better still, get your wife/gf onto him (or invent/borrow one, if need be) — most builders are frightened of only one thing...
DrMoriarty said:
.....Better still, get your wife/gf onto him (or invent/borrow one, if need be) — most builders are frightened of only one thing...

Just be careful with this approach, we tried it and the builder ignored all my calls for the next 3 weeks
I eventually got him by turning off my caller ID.
Still not in either, and was to be ready last June
LMAO at Dr. Moriarty - plague the foreman - arrive on site, sit by his car and wait for him to try to leave and then ..... pounce! Keep annoying him - ok you'll be regarded as a nuisance but he'll be so anxious to be rid of you and finished with you that he will finish your house.
I'd go for the nuclear option and set the wife on missus did a good job of kicking our builders butt during our build and I'd say they were so terrified of her they just did what she said (and I work in construction as a project manager!!)...

remember 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'...
Some good tips there folks. Unfortunately/Fortunately I'm not married. I could get my gf to get on the case though.
that should do...any SO arriving on site will put the fear of god in a site foreman...