BTEA eligability




I'm on JB and will be on it for the next 5 months two weeks until i could potentially start an undergraduate course that would be my dream to do.

I already have another undergraduate but have been unable to find suitable employment.

From my reading you must be on JB for 9 months to get BTEA. However a guy in the welfare office told me it was 6 months and that I should apply and and you never know?

Is he simply wrong (and was thinking of 2nd level courses) or is there the opportunity to make a case for BTEA before the stipulated 9 months.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The minimum period is 9 months on JB for a 3rd Level course, if you are referred to it by a Jobs Facilitator or FAs. Otherwise, 12 months is the qualifying period. Also, the fact that you already have a degree may disqualify you.
Thanks Welfarite,

Yeah that what I thought, just this guy said 6 months so I wasn't sure. He also said having a degree mightn't entirely rule me out.

Kinda gutted as without it I wouldn't be able to sustain myself for the length of the course. Its 9-6pm each day plus fees.

Any point applying anyway, giving my circumstances or am i wasting my time? Seems unfair maybe that I'd be able to claim if I'd been sitting on my backside since Christmas instead of working!

Such is life i suppose.
Apply anyhow, seeing that your man told you to! Rules might change too as pressure comes on to get people off dole! The '2nd Degree' thing is 'negotiable' ...if yiou argue that it is to improve your chances of getting work, that the first degree has limited use (i.e. related to construction industry, not wide enough for curent work options, etc.). did you claim other SW before JB? That would count too towards qualifying period. See here for full lowdown of current rules of BTEA
Right I'll apply anyway so and see how I get on. A'll argue the point on my degree. Never claimed before, been working in low income jobs instead. Thanks for the advice I'll let you know how I get on in a few months!