Brothers quarrel over fraudulent claim to boost their joint income

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Dilemma dude

Registered User
I'm one of two brothers that started a business together. Unfortunately the business was only able to provide income for one and not both. In order to get a true opinion from responders I'll call the two brothers as Brother A and Brother B.

So brother A, seeing that the business won't sustain two incomes comes up with the idea to go on family income supplement and ask brother B to hire him as an employee. However this is just to be able to qualify for fis, brother A still wants to retain his claim on the business as a partner.
Brother B sees that extra income could be brought in doing this which would mean they can both keep working in the business to make it grow in the hopes that in the future it may provide adequate income for them both. However both brothers also have rental income coming from an apartment so brother A asks brother B to also put the money from the apartment under brother A's name. As the apartment can bring in €400 a week between them both. Brother B agrees to hide the income from apartment and to claim that brother A is an employee so that extra income can be generated between the two. However.......
Brother B accepts under the condition that brother A uses the money to supplement both incomes so that they are equal. Brother B says he would take a weekly wage of €400 until they find out what the additional income from the government would amount to.
Meanwhile Brother A is seen to agree the terms, he must get paid a minimum of €190 from the business to qualify for fis. Both brothers estimate the government pay out to around €250. An account is present at the time of the agreement.

As it turns out brother A is awarded a fis payment of €386. Adding his wage of €190 gross/ €170 net. Brother A has a take home pay of €556. While brother B takes home only €400.
The brothers are now at a disagreement as to how to deal with the extra cash from the state assistance. Brother A feels its his right to keep the extra €156. Brother B feels it should be split between them.

Can people respond as to what should be done here. Thanks in advance
Going to an accountant might be an idea but trying to get the taxpayer to bail you guys out isn't a very smart strategy, especially if it means dodgy dealings, etc, in order for ye to have a better lifestyle at my expense.
I appreciate the feedback however could you help in anyway to resolve this issue between the two parties?
Again thanks for your reply. If possible can we remove the judgement and look at the question at hand? I'm well aware it's fraud. If we can look beyond that and try see if you think brother A or brother B should have their outcome or if there's another outcome to think of

Are you serious? You are committing fraud. The people who are posting here are paying for it and others, who really need it are going without because of your actions. And you want people to give free advice on how you and your brother divide you ill gotten gains. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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