Brides of Franc

I know tastes differ, but to me, it was the wedding equilvalent of the horse drawn carriage/limo for the communions.

Thought the lighting was great, if a tad overdone and the flowers lovely, but that the whole thing was completely OTT.

I know every couple want something different for their day, but when it starts looking like a "super extravaganza show", its not about the actual wedding, but who can put on the biggest best circus act.

Each to their own, and I would have thought that people prepared to waste money like that were the exception rather than then the norm, but I am not sure now.

If you want a wedding, have a wedding, if you want a Hogwarts theme party complete with fancy dress costumes,broomsticks, etc, wait till Halloween.
it makes me laugh when i hear the whole "different wedding" being peddled about - weddings and marraiges have been happening for thousands of years, but yes part from your cash and we will make yours totally "different".....

on communions - my niece (a bit of a barbie blond child)was telling me about getting a chopper to the church, her Mam said "nodachance", so I was slyly asked - i told her it probably cost €400 and if she paid half i would pay the other half as her present eek:risky) . She came back to me 10 minutes later telling me her other uncle can bring her in his new car for free so i can get her another present if i like.... guess how much spends she thinks i have! Somehow i think she will have no probs with keeping up with the Jones when her eye is firmly on the bottom line
good Lord, would you not try the

"ach, catch yerself on Steven"

route as oft employed by Jim McDonald on Corrie.

What is she got the €400??, & then it couldnt happen !!!!

On a related note I am right to think you cant spoil an infant (I'm looking for a defence), the first born could open a toy store but as is v young as doesnt notice/understand then is this ok?? My idea of spoiling is when you give in to every demand/whim. So no demand then no spoiling???
'eh she will get communion money.... like hello. We try not to give money and give a toy instead.
I am getting married next year and we have been sensible enough when it comes to stuff. My dress was not a stupid price like i have heard some brides paying 3500 euro plus for those Beverly Hills Hollywood dresses. I heard of a girl that paid over 4000euro for one of these dresses and her fiance said sure if thats what you want, where i would not feel comfortable paying such a price for a wedding dress.

You can go ott if you want, e.g Doves released etc. Some have 5 bridesmaids with dresses costing over 350 euro each plus make-up,hair, shoes and jewelery and then have no band or videographer. Where i would priortise stuff.

I had to laugh at brides of franc why where they in a hurry to get married if they did not have the money for it and he was so under that thumb. Plus they could have got married in Cabra Castle in Cavan instead of Offaly as it would have been nearer.
I think her local G.A.A. clubhouse would have suited better then a castle. Why book a castle and do what Franc did to it.
I know of a bride to be has spent €5,000 on her front teeth so that she will look good it the photos. I heard her mother say that the bride asked her boyfriend if it was ok to spend this money as it was earmark towards the house but he said go ahead and get her teeth instead of whatever was needed for the house.
I know of a bride to be has spent €5,000 on her front teeth so that she will look good it the photos

This is a better isdea than spending it on a dress/cake etc... Will have perfect teeth for a lot longer and will probably boost her confidence.
think next weeks show is showing wedding with budget of €8k in a rugby clubhouse or something so that should be interesting!
Saw the ad for it and I think they have €15,000 to spend next week - and in a rugby club - yes looking forward to seeing what magic Franc is going to use there


you can see who wears the trousers in that house - I think yer man will be paying for that day for the rest of his life..... I'd pay 35k to get out of the wedding!
Any opinions - totally different ballgame than last week - lovely couple, he did a great job for them, rugby club looked great.
This was my first time seeing this programme and thought he did a very good job for them. The budget wasn't outrageous by todays standards and how he managed to transform that ugly room goes to show how good he is at what he does. Didn't like the bouquets but liked all the rest....
Have to agree - the room (and entrance in) did look great when he was finished - when I saw it first I couldn't imagine what he was going to do.... they were a lovely couple as well, totally deserved it. And I'm glad he convinced her to go with the veil, it did transform the dress from "lovely" to "wow"...

he did a great job on a small budget but he still, streched the budget from 15k to 18k and said that the wedding would have cost thousands more if everything was at the regular price.... I think that he really wanted to do it at that price he could have had a buffet, but thats not his style.
My venue for wedding in South Africa 2008 .. everything from flights, venue, flowers, accomodation, honeymoon, dress, even a couple rounds of golf ....€12K-15K. Irl is crazy with their prices.!
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I thought he did a great job, the room was totally transformed. I was delighted it turned out so well because the couple had been through such a hard time. I think the price rose because Franc didn't realise that his budget included the cost of wedding attire. What happens to all that voile on the walls when the wedding is over? Does he hire it and return or is it wasted?
the voile - i thought it would probably be cheaper hired and bought by the club at a half price rate as it was now being showcased as a possible function venue.... I thought it was a lot of hiring of stuff.....
Great advert for that Franc fellow, seems like a nice guy and really knows his stuff. Was impressed by the way he was able to advise both brides so far on how to improve the hair/ dress for the day. He charges a €15,000 fee normally- I'd have to say it seems as if he's well worth it if you have that kind of budget.
15k seems steep but he has a lot of staff and he certainly knows his stuff! Anyway I think he probably would get a lot of reductions that the ordinary 'man in the street' couldn't avail of. So although he's expensive, hiring him probably cuts costs at the other end.
Really enjoyed last nights one, they had been thru so much in the last 6 months. No wonder they had left everything til the last minute. 18K was good, he said it would have cost 30K without his intervention