Bremore Pastures Balbriggan

yeh I kinda figured since it was phase 1 there wouldnt a showhouse, that when ours were ready they'd have one for the next phase. Lets hope its not 24 months or I'll go insane! I think they are coming along ok though - I didnt know the 3 bed houses were for sale. I went 3 bed duplex. Will get on about contracts again! It is bizarre not knowing anything but comforting knowing of others who have bought there too!
hi Paulie, when we originally gave our deposit for the house we asked about a show house and they said that there would be one and that they should have one open in 6 weeks, that was just under six weeks ago (think we were last to buy). the houes went for 340K. I rang yesterday to ask if one was open and they said not at the moment, didnt specify whether there definitely wasnt going to be one.
I dont honestly think they can build houses without having a show house as you have nothing to compare yours to, if you get what i mean!! Am nearly positive this is no the 1st phase of Bremore, am sure i seen houses on for sale in Bremore.. maybe i could be wrong!!!
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Hey Househunt, yes they seem to be coming along alright, have to say am abit envious of the duplexes well the top one as you have a lovely tce, love the full corner windows aswell, imagine the light they will let in... where abouts did you buy and when did you put a deposit down. We only seen the plans about six weeks ago and put a deposit down there and then. Seemingly there wasnt many left, think two houses left as they were whipped up, maybe i was fortunate enough to get a cancellation or something like that, not quite sure...
bremore pastures cresent. I think I put the deposit down around first week in June or so. hadnt got finalised mortgage approval at that stage so wasnt in a hurry to get it all signed off.
Hey Househunt am the cres myself, though i think thats quite big isnt it... Same as ourselves mid June i think. My head is melted with this already.
One thing I noticed about the duplexes, and only found this out where we got the plans as part of the contract, is that not all the end of terrace duplaxes (which is the type I have bought) have the really large window (like an 'L' shape.) Only about 10 in the whole estate are like this. The other end of terrace duplexes have 2 large windows instead of a large one that cuts the corner. Was really disappointed at that since they were all the same price!
oh thats disappointing alright esp being same price. I have end of terrace too. I liked the look of that. Fingers crossed I have it! At this stage I'm just gonna go with the flow and hope it all comes good at the end. I've no time to be getting stressed over things.
Greetings all,
I've actually only noticed this developement in the past week and was strongly considering buying. Does anyone know if they're sold out or what's available? I've rang the property consultants 4 times today and whoever deals with the developement is not in the office. Aparently there was no one else that could deal with me or answer my questions.

I took a spin up that way last night to have a look and progress seems to be slow considering the first adds went up in June. I know a couple of people buying in the estate and they've been told that it'll be december before they're in.

Any help on availability, pricing of various house types particularly A,H,M,N,P,Q and perhaps a better contact number than the Bohan office number would be greatly appreciated. you can PM me this info if you wish.


Hi Househount,

you can tell know whether you have the big windows or not. If your duplex is of type 'N', you have it. Otherwise, it's like mine I'm afraid!
Hi P2ssw0rd

type P (3 bed duplex) is 976sq feet and is 311500 euro
type Q (3 bed duplex) is 976sq feet and is 304000 euro
type M (3 bed duplex) is 976sq feet and is 295000 euro

type P and N (both 2 bed apartments) is 688sq feet and is 262500 euro

These were the prices I got at the start of June.

Pretty sure there arent any left.
Thats rough, Househunt, I'm P as well and they have 2 large (although separate windows) on the first floor and a single large window on the top floor (in the ensuite bedroom).
does anyone have any contact details regarding bremore pastures other than Bohan Property Consultants? Maybe the phone number of the developer or the site foreman? Cheers in advance
Thanks for that Paulie13.
Still tryin to get a hold of someone in Bohan.
P2ssword, when you contact Bohan ask to speak to Lindsay or Stephen, they were the two people I dealt with.
Thank you.
I've heard the name Lyndsay alright, seems to spend a lot of time out of the office. Me thinks that she might be avoiding of the phone. Seems to be quite a lot people here looking for answers to various questions.

I'll give it a shot again after lunch.
You would be right in your assumption pswrd, we had awful difficulty trying to speak to someone in their office. Unfortunately you will just have to keep nagging
bremore pastures

has anyone who has rec;d there contracts for this got the dimensions yet. i'm waiting on my contract for a 3 bed duplex and wondering if anyone has them as the selling agents have no info at all
This website may be of interest to those of you who have bought in Bremore Pastures

I have no connection.