Bremner, Bird & Fortune on the global financial system

Brendan Burgess

These guys did a great piece about sub-prime lending some months ago. This new four part TV series should be very funny.

Sunday 2nd November
7 pm - 8 pm
Channel 4
( Code: 6821)
Anyone who missed it (including myself!) can catch up on it [broken link removed] — for the next 46 days, anyway.

[Edit: Actually, that link doesn't seem to be working for me, only the ads at the beginning? Maybe it'll come right later...]
Hi Bronte

I had high expectations but I thought it was very disappointing.

I don't think that they have enough material for one hour, never mind 4 hours.

I switched off after about 30 minutes.

I'd have to agree - it was a bit laboured although I did watch all it through to the end.