break even point & turnover


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If your current fixed and variable costs are 50K a month and you have a sales margin of 26%, what turnover do you need a month to breakeven
You need to provide more information.

At it's simplest, the turnover you require is €192k

192k@ 26% margin = €50k

But variable costs usually rise with turnover. If your turnover rises to €300k, I would expect your variable costs to rise.

If you want to give more information abou the context and the actual costs, I might be able to give a better answer.

It's not always easy to categorise a cost as wholly fixed or wholly variable.

For example, rent is a fixed cost. But if your business expands, you will need a bigger premises, so you will pay a higher rent. Wages may be fixed for a particular level of production, but may rise if you need to take on more employees or if you pay commission.