bread delivery services



hey im new 2 this!so go easy on me..!
im just wondering how i could go about doing a bread delivery van service as im told that people who do bread,milk,paper delivery to shops for themselves in doing this..
i know its early(very early!)starts but im well up for it

only thing is i dont know how or where to go about to set this up for meself..
id appreciate your help and all your comments
You'd work as an agent for different suppliers e.g. bread makers, milk producers, butter etc. Basically, you fill up your (own) van, sell their produce and earn commission. You'd have to rotate stock, replace old stock, stock shelves etc.

I reckon you'll find it hard to break into it as most areas that are profitable are probably already covered.
You could keep an eye out in local papers, i have seen such drivers advertising their businesses for sale, possibly if they were retiring
hi thanks for your replies could you tell me what suppliers there are for the bread and milk deliveries pls? and maybe contact details,email address ??
i tried the net but doesnt come up!
i would appreciate your help...
Maybe start with p86/87 Yellow Pages for Wholesale bakers confection etc?