Boyfriend on temporary social - can we still rent


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Myself and my boyfriend recently decided to rent and are in the process of trying to find a place. Neither of us have rented before so this process is all new to us. We are saving for a mortgage but decided its safer to rent for a bit first with the way banks aren't lending etc.

We've come across a bit of a hiccup though because my boyfriend just found out he is going to be out of work for a bit. He works in the plumbing trade and there isn't much happening at the minute. This is his first time he has been out of work since starting with his employer almost 5 years ago. He will also be claiming social while he is out of work.

I myself am in full time employment but I am just worried that his temporary unemployment will stop us from being allowed to rent a lot of properties? I notice a lot of them ask for work references?? - in saying that I'm sure his boss would probably draft something up to confirm only temporary etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Have our hopes up for taking the next step and will be devestated if can't rent due to this.

We both have a good bit of savings so deposit etc wouldn't be a problem.

Thanks again and I look forward to getting some advice.
I could'nt see why there would be a problem as you say you both have savings etc.

It shouldn't be a problem at all. Any landlord I've dealt has been very casual as long as you tell him that you are fine to pay. I couldn't imagine dealing with a circumstance where a prospective landlord was demanding to know your wages or seek evidence that your boyfriend was employed!

Enjoy your rented life together! ;-)
I was between jobs when I signed a 6 month lease in March, and again last month when I signed a 12 month one with a new landlord. The 6 month lease was with an estate agent for an apt. The 12 month is directly with the landlord for a townhouse. I have ample funds in the bank to pay rent regardless of my job situation. In both cases, I was asked to show a bank statement verifying my funds. I only had to show it, not give them a copy to keep. I blacked out my acct number & details of transactions, so I didn't really feel that my privacy was being violated. I was also asked to pay a double deposit by the landlord that I am renting from now. Is is possible that you may be asked to provide safeguards such as these by the landlord, not just because your bf does not have a job, but also because as first time renters, you are not able to prove that you have a good track record as reliable tenants who pay their rent on time, take care of the property etc etc. Don't want to be an alarmist, but forewarned is forearmed right?
Take lots of photos of the apartment and check that all equipment is in working order. Make notes of anything that needs repair so that both you and your landlord are aware of any shortcomings.
Much easier clarify everything at the beginning than have disagreements later