Bought a house while single, now married. Anything issues I should be aware of?


Registered User
Hi folks,
just looking for some info if possible. I purchased my house back in 2006. I was a first time buyer, it is my principle private residence and I don't own any other properties. I subsequently met my better half a year or so later and we married in 2011. She has never owned a property before.

I haven't changed anything at all regarding the mortgage on the house, the mortgage is still in my name solely. But I'm just wondering if this is the correct course of action. Do I need to contact the bank to add my wife's name to the mortgage, or are we better off leaving it as is? I just want to be sure that if anything happens to me that she gets the house no if-buts-maybes. I'm pretty sure as my next of kin she will but I obviously need to be more certain of this. I have life assurance so that my mortgage will get paid off in the event of something happening to me.

Also, are we missing out on anything by not having her as a joint name on the mortgage? TRS for example?

Would appreciate any helpful info.
