Bothered by the weather ?


Registered User
The weather is rubbish, and we could have lit up half of Europe with windpower over the last few days. Every weather forecast lately has me groaning, it feels like winter. And I make no eye contact with the tourists being blown around Dublin, or soaked to the skin, or both. I feel embarrassed that they spent money, came here and got this!

Me cat isn't too happy either. I had to peg her up by de ears and blow-dry her a few times lately. I tell her it's either a blow dry or a quick spin in the dryer, her choice. She now has the cat society on speed dial.

Arrgh !! I know it's irrational to be annoyed with weather, it just is what it is. And it isn't like we're not used to it. But it's getting under my skin. Does the weather bother ye?
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Yep, it is starting to irritate me. I walk a lot, either on my own or with the dog, the poor thing, I thought for a moment she was going to become airborne yesterday her ears were flapping around so much! I wouldn't mind the wind so much if it would stop drizzling and raining too.

Someone near us had the fire going last night, I haven't gone that far but the heating has had to go back on for an hour at night!
well if its any consolation to you ...June and July are meant to be scorchers!!!
It is really bugging me too. I just moved back from the States. After hearing from everyone how gorgeous April was, I expected to be spending the month of May swanning around in a bikini. That plan worked out REALLY well ! I am on foot a lot too. What is bugging me (apart from all the brollys that were put in the bin from being blown to bits by the force 10 gales) is that I go out all bundled up to combat the cold and bracing winds. Then I get a good pace up, and I am bathed in sweat in 10 minutes. I go into a shop, and bake in my 10 layers. I take some of them off, but go outside again and it is sub zero temps all over again. Sooooo sick and tired of it ! To think that I gave up 90 degree weather in LA for this crap ! What was I thinking?
Arrgh !! I know it's irrational to be annoyed with weather, it just is what it is. And it isn't like we're not used to it. But it's getting under my skin. Does the weather bother ye?

The only times it bothers me are:

1) When you get a statistically inexplicable run of wet weekends and sunny weekdays

2) When you go on holidays to somewhere that's supposed to be sunny and it rains
Try explaining to a weeping 4-year-old why she can't wear her new sandals.
I have to say the weather is getting me down. It's not nice having to face cold mornings in May, I had enough of that during the winter. Could we arrange a few tug boats to bring us closer to the equator for a few months maybe??
It bothers me. THe house is getting colder in the evenings and night time which wakes the baby up which wakes us up, so the heat has come on in the last few evenings to keep things warm for him and us and for us to get a full nights sleep.
All this wind does not make for very good cycling weather, when the nice weather was out the bike was being fixed and now that it is fixed the weather is crappy, i can walk faster when cycling into a head wind on the side of a mountain.
The weeds in the garden are having the time of it and sprouting up all over the place, i have more weeds then grass in the back garden.
And I make no eye contact with the tourists being blown around Dublin, or soaked to the skin, or both. I feel embarrassed that they spent money, came here and got this!
TBH, they should feel for us who live here and on top of the economy being in the toilet, we have this weather too.
I'd take Spain over this !

Or on the other hand, as Billy Connolly said, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes!".
I don't mind bad weather and I love good weather. What's annoying me at the moment is it can't seem to make it's mind up!

I get up to lovely sunshine, pop a washing on the line and give the floors a good old mop only for it to start raining. The washing gets wet and the dogs trail mud over my nice clean floor.

I was walking round town on a beautiful afternoon,wearing summer clothes, sunglasses perched at a jaunty angle on my head and got hit by hailstones! So not a good look!

We were spoiled in April that's for sure.
I have my rainy day jobs and my nice day jobs to do about the place. I have used up my rainyday jobs. My bottles of Prosecco are still sitting there waiting to be scoffed after a hard days work in the garden.
What's annoying me at the moment is it can't seem to make it's mind up!

For a brief 30 minutes I had hope it was clearing up, the sky was blue and the sun was out. Now it's dark enough to put the light on indoors! As the saying goes, I wish this weather would either s*** or get off the pot!

Sure it wasn't a bad summer really
If it's any consolation it's pouring out of the high heavens in London, first wet day in yonks we have had here.
If it's any consolation it's pouring out of the high heavens in London, first wet day in yonks we have had here.

Yeah, I was enviously watching the temp. in London recently. I made a stew today, a stew in May nearly June, crazy weather. And as a gardener, I have plants blown all over the place too.The cooler temps are slowing down growth.
To think that I gave up 90 degree weather in LA for this crap ! What was I thinking?

It was the pull of the 'auld sod' that brought you back but don't fret, looks like the bank holiday weekend is going to be alot warmer
Sure it wasn't a bad summer really

Didn't that happen 2 years. I remember driving from Limerick to Cork one afternoon and having to wear a cardigan in sweltering heat because I didn't want my arm to get sun burnt. I bought sunscreen and think I used it twice. That said it wasn't as cold. I lit a fire every night this week.
Rainfall is baby This post will be deleted if not edited immediately' tears because he is sad at the sinful way we live. ( At least thats what Sarah Palin and Ned Flanders think)
In January it was getting dark at 4 pm. in the afternoon. I longed for the longer brighter evenings. Watched too much T.V. Visualised myself going for a walk in May in a shirt, no coat no sweater in the late evening. Now that the longer, brighter evenings have arrived I am still watching T.V. and glancing out the window.