Botched Dental Treatment - Cause For Complaint ?


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A couple of years ago I had root canal on a back molar which seemed to do the trick at the time. Recently, however, I developed an abscess in the gum which has necessitated extraction of the tooth. On examining the x-ray prior to the extraction, the dentist (a different one) noticed a fragment of 'something' surgical which had been left in one of the canals from the previous treatment.

I'm curious: first to know if this fragment might have been the cause of the abscess so I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had a similar experience. Secondly, might I have any recourse to the original dentist (since the root canal wasn't exactly cheap) ?
I had two root canals done in the late 90s. I was told a few years later that there was "something surgical" left behind in one and was shown the x ray which clearly showed a foreign object in/under the tooth. I was told it would do no harm and chose to leave it based on dentists advice (same dentist who did root canal).
Last year, I decided to get the same two teeth crowned. I chose a different dentist (based on a recommendation) and he seemed very shocked that the other dentist had left something there. However, he said that the fact that it had not bothered me up to then meant that it would probably never have become a problem - he said that teeth were never straightforward and that it might have been a problem if it was a different tooth. He went onto remove it when doing the crown. I never took the issue up with the first dentist (as it didn't cause me any real problems).
I would recommend that you get a second dental opinion and go from there.
Could it be just a piece of nerve tissue which wasn't entirely cleared out before the root canal filling. My dentist said that the best person to do root canal work is an orthodontist, as they are particularly expert at them.
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  • price and availability of dental treatments can be discussed
  • how to make a complaint regarding dental treatments can be discussed.