Books - Investment/Personal Financial Planning - Irish/International Perspective


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More for me, but thought might be useful.

Didn't see threads when I searched.

So seeing the BB post about Gillen the other day I see they had a few books on their site about investing so was wondering if they were any good still relevant, key book from 2012 I think?

Have various investing books from Intelligent Investor (Ben Graham) to Rich Dad Poor Dad, to Tony Robbins Money Master the Game (ranging from US to very generic focus and everything in between).

I remembered an Irish stalwart which was Colm Rapple's tax/financial planning book think it was annual, and googling I see he passed away in 2015.

So any thoughts in terms of investment/financial planning, especially Ireland focused. I think something covering retirement /gift planning would be useful too (relating a post I saw the other day)
This is an excellent question.

There should be textbooks covering the basics of investing. Books covering the investment fad of the month are widely available and heavily promoted, but reliable textbooks outlining the basics are not well known.

Intelligent Investor (Ben Graham) certainly fits the bill, and even though it has a lot of years on the clock it is still relevant.

Anyone interested should look at something like this first before looking at an Ireland tax specific book.

I have not read the below, but Wiley are a reputable academic publisher and the blur looks good.

I really like the little book series on investing:
E.g. 'The Little Book of Common Sense Investing' by John Bogle is excellent, as is the 'The little book of Value Investing'.

Rory Gillen's book '3 Steps to Investment Success' is very good from an Irish perspective as you say, but I would like to hear of other good Irish perspective Investing books & resources also.
Anyone picked up that current read by Eoin McGee, is it any good, How to make your money work, I think he had an earlier one too.
Back in the day (maybe twenty years ago? Definitely 15)Brendan used to have a sort of mini book published on this site too!